Tag Archives: chain-eating

Abortion Haters and Their Giant Hairy Vagina and Other Videos of the Day

That totally makes fucking sense doesn’t it…makes me want to have a hooker fight… Here’s a dude getting tasked on the beach…for summer Beat boxer of the Day 11 Year old in Brazil Breaks Police Car Window Robber Gets Knocked the Fuck Out… Crazy fucking car accident… Crazy 1960′s Fetish Game of the Day

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Abortion Haters and Their Giant Hairy Vagina and Other Videos of the Day

Spiderman is a Cowboy Tranny in the New Arcade Fire Video of the Day

Nothing like Spiderman wearing a bra…pretending to be Jared Leto in the new Arcade Fire video to remind you that he dresses like this when Emma Stone fuck him with a strap on, because I know british dudes, and they are all poofters into butt play… it’s part of their culture…like part of your fan boy culture is jerking off to Andrew Garfield dressed like a woman, dancing like a woman and gay bashed like any gay guy who walks into a cowboy bar that isn’t a gay cowboy bar…I saw Boys Don’t Cry…I know how this shit works…you just like Spiderman that much…. The song’s not that great but Arcade Fire are from my hometown of Montreal, I’ve probably had them in my Igloo at least once, so I got nothin’ but love for this video…but that could just be because I’ve got to the point in my where it’s time for me to finger a tranny….you know make it a life event on my

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Spiderman is a Cowboy Tranny in the New Arcade Fire Video of the Day

iPhone Slow Motion Bikini Video of the Day

Nothing like a little beach video shot in slow motion on the iphone to make you question why you don’t live on the beach, when there are plenty of third world countries you could probably afford to live at with a beach, instead you choose your middle american, mall shopping, family restaurant chain eating, in debt, middle of the road with a fat kid, fat wife, all high on GMOs and high fructose corn syrup life… But at least one motherfucker is out there capturing the good stuff that can happen in a bikini…like this guy…

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iPhone Slow Motion Bikini Video of the Day