Tag Archives: challenge-even

Ariana Grande Tight Pants on Set of the Day

Here is 19 year old Ariana Grande in tight as fuck pants…I don’t know anything about her because I am not the kind of pervert who watches Nickelodeon…not because I don’t like their low grade, barely legal but usually legal bad actors, but because I just can’t believe the storylines, and I just can’t stomach the quality of the shows, and I just think shit is probably the worst thing to shove down our kids throats…unless we want them to end up like bratty little low grade mall dwelling cunts who think shit content is good content…. But I do love tight pants…especially on tight little bodies…that I just found out are Italian and not Hispanic…and that I know will end up being about 8 times the size of this by 35….so take it all in now while the metabolic rate is high people…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ariana Grande Tight Pants on Set of the Day

Kesha Showing Some Ass for Vibe Magazine of the Day

I got in an argument with a gangster rapper yesterday because I told him that Hip Hop doesn’t exist, it is just the WWF of music, with scandals and drama that is all staged and directed by marketing execs because too much money is at stake….I tried to explain that it is all pop music and that it is about as hard as my limp dick everytime I try to throw rope at my wife who is both disusting to look at, disgusting to listen to, disgusting to smell, and disgusting to touch…disgusting on all 5 fucking senses…making boners a challenge even for the most seasoned and experienced pervert who only needs dampness and an irrelgular heartbeat to get off….. I think the fact that Kesha is on the cover of Vibe, a Hip Hop bible…is further proof to my fucking point. Here are the pics…

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Kesha Showing Some Ass for Vibe Magazine of the Day

Let’s Hear Your #FoodMovies!

Twitter is at it again with a special movie-related meme . This time it’s #foodmovies, or film titles made snackable through food puns and wordplay. Can you topple the list of five best #foodmovies we found on Twitter? We added our own to make the challenge even more difficult.

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Let’s Hear Your #FoodMovies!