Facebook.com – Become a Fan! Twitter.com – Follow Us! Ticket Information – bit.ly Hi Beliebers. You’re checking out ClevverTV and I’m Dana Ward with an update on the latest organization that Justin Bieber is supporting. Even if you never caught Bieber Fever, we can all agree that a celebrity who uses fame to “do good” is a commendable thing. So JB just tweeted out that this Saturday he’s doing a show where every dollar goes to the charity, College Track, which helps kids get an education. He also posted a link to the Ticketmaster website to purchase tickets for the Saratoga, California benefit concert… and after we took a look at the ticket sales, it looks like there are still tickets available for the June 11 show, but FYI, the cheapest ticket is 250-bucks, so we’re thinking this is more of an intimate setting than his big stage shows. So since this is a benefit concert, do you think Justin might do something special for the event? Let us know right here and for more JB updates 24/7, make sure you’ve subscribed to our show at youtube.com/clevvertv. Dana Ward here in Hollywood and thanks again for watching ClevverTV. Bye! http://www.youtube.com/v/DsYwKIe9Un4?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Excerpt from: Justin Bieber Performing Charity Show For College Track
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Justin Bieber Performing Charity Show For College Track