The Duggar family is constantly celebrating a new engagement and then, a short time after, a new wedding and marriage. And then children. The endless, endless stream of Duggar children. Part of that is ideology — the Duggars are diehard fundamentalists who believe in strictly controlling their children, even as adults. That means strict chastity and closely monitored courtships, which help motivate their kids to walk down the aisle without pausing to ask themselves what they want out of life. But this endless series of back-to-back weddings help to keep the Duggars relevant — or close enough. Let's take a look at how many of these Duggar kids have already been married off. Who's next? 1. First we have to start with … him Josh Duggar proposed to Anna on her birthday in 2008. They apparently followed all of the courtship rules, not even kissing until their wedding date. 2. Josh and Anna married, really testing the for-better-or-for-worse vow Josh and Anna got married on September 26, 2008. And, even after it became global knowledge that Josh had molested 5 young girls, including 4 of his young sisters, they remained married. Even after everyone learned that he had cheated on Anna, they remained married. She is a prisoner of the culture in which she was raised. 3. Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Jill and Derick got engaged back in April of 2014. 4. Jill and Derick’s Wedding Jill and Derick got married on June 21 of 2014. That’s, what? A two-and-a-half month engagement? 5. Next up are Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald Jessa and Ben (seen here AFTER their marriage — what do you take her for, some sort of scarlet woman?) got engaged on August 4 of 2014. though they had been courting for longer than Jill and Derick. 6. Jessa and Ben got married Jessa and Ben’s wedding was on November 1, 2014. And Jessa still hasn’t quieted down about it. View Slideshow
Read more:
The Duggar Family: A Timeline of Endless Weddings