Tag Archives: chelsea-heath

Chelsea Heath And Her Booty Are Absolutely Amazing

I guess Chelsea Heath took exception to me questioning whether or not her booty was her best angle last time, because this latest photoshoot of hers definitely puts that one to rest. I don’t know about you guys though, but I still wouldn’t mind seeing the view from the front here too. Just, you know, for comparisons sake. Photos: Fameflynet

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Chelsea Heath And Her Booty Are Absolutely Amazing

Chelsea Heath Is The Total Package

Since you guys seemed to dig those pictures of Chelsea Heath so much the last time, here’s another awesome beach shoot from the aspiring actress/up-and-coming bikini hottie. Now, last time I was pretty sure that Chelsea’s booty was her best angle, but after close, careful inspection of these pictures, I’m starting to think that may have been a little premature. Because turns out, she looks just as smoking hot from the side and the front too. Yow. Photos: Fameflynet

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Chelsea Heath Is The Total Package