Tag Archives: chevy-silverado

What was the Best Commercial of Super Bowl XLV?

Christina Aguilera flubbed, the Black Eyes Peas lit up and, somewhere along the way, Aaron Rodgers led the Green Bay Packers to a 31-25 victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. But in the minds of many viewers, Super Bowl XLV was all about what happened in between these events. Namely, the commercials. From Eminem returning home to a mini version of Darth Vader using his Force, car companies came up with the most creative advertisements. In our opinion, at least. What’s yours? Check out the following spots and then vote on your favorite. Faith Hill Telefora Commercial Volkswagen Star Wars Commercial Chevy Silverado Super Bowl Commercial Eminem Super Bowl Commercial Audi 8 Super Bowl Commercial Which is the best?

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What was the Best Commercial of Super Bowl XLV?

Leftist Protester: ‘Tea Party’s More Dangerous Than Muslim Brotherhood’


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Filmmaker Ann McElhinney captured a leftist protester this weekend making a curious claim: the “Tea Party’s more dangerous than the Muslim Brothrhood.” According to McElhinney’s description on YouTube, the video was taken at a pro-Eypt rally in Los Angeles. When pressed about why he believes the way he does, the protester rattles off a statement about how dangerous the Tea Party is since they would… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 07/02/2011 19:00 Number of articles : 2

Leftist Protester: ‘Tea Party’s More Dangerous Than Muslim Brotherhood’

Round-up of Super Bowl commercials


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It’s the time of the year again when advertisers compete in a massive pissing contest. Here’s a few outstanding ads. See all the rest on YouTube’s adblitz channel. Bud Light ‘Dog Sitter’ Kia Optima ‘One Epic Ride’ Chevy Camaro ‘Miss Evelyn’ Bridgestone ‘Reply all’ Chevy Silverado ‘Tommy’ MINI USA ‘Cram It in the Boot’ (cheeky) Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : ettf.net Discovery Date : 07/02/2011 19:24 Number of articles : 2

Round-up of Super Bowl commercials