Tag Archives: chief-michael

Cops Kill People: Mississippi Cop Under Investigation For Strangling Unarmed Black Man Jonathan Sanders To Death

Unarmed Jonathan Sanders Choked To Death By Mississippi Cop It never stops … Via HuffingtonPost The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is looking into the case of an unarmed black man allegedly strangled to death by a white cop this week. Jonathan Sanders, a 39-year-old Stonewall resident, died last Wednesday evening following an altercation with an officer. Sanders — who owned horses and a buggy — was exercising his horses when he was approached by officer Kevin Harrington. Sanders’ attorney, Stewart Parrish, says that Harrington pulled Sanders off his horse and strangled him between 10:30 and 11 p.m. that night, WTOK reports. According to the Guardian, Parrish is making the allegations based on the accounts of family members who witnessed the incident. Charita Kennedy, Sanders’ girlfriend and mother to their 1-year-old son, told WTOK that Sanders was not violating any laws when Harrington confronted him. The Guardian and other outlets reported that Parrish said family members told him a flashlight was used to strangle Harrington, but Stonewall Police Chief Michael Street has denied those allegations. He told the Guardian that “there was no flashlight used to choke anybody — that’s false.” The Clarion-Ledger also reported that Parrish said earlier allegations that a flashlight was used were wrong. A cause of death won’t be officially determined until an autopsy is completed. Parrish told the Guardian that family witnesses could see Sanders struggling, saying, “Let me go, I can’t breathe” before his death. Hopefully the color of Kevin Harrington’s uniform doesn’t supersede the color of Jonathan Sanders’ skin… Image via AP

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Cops Kill People: Mississippi Cop Under Investigation For Strangling Unarmed Black Man Jonathan Sanders To Death

When Animals Attack: Female Firefighter Killed By Dog She Adopted From Family Member Who No Longer Wanted Him

This is so sad. A Midwest woman lost her life at the jaws of a dog she had just rescued the week before. Via NYDailyNews reports : An Illinois firefighter who rescued a mastiff when a relative no longer wanted it was mauled to death by the dog, leaving her husband and colleagues in shock, according to reports Wednesday. Dawn Brown, 44, was discovered Monday afternoon by her husband in their Big Rock home, located outside of Chicago. She was lying at the bottom of the basement stairs, ABC affiliate WLS-TV reported. “He tried first aid right away, but it was already evident that she was deceased when he got there,” Lt. Pat Gengler, of the Kane County Sheriff’s Office, told the station. Brown and her husband, Bob, had two other dogs: a pit bull mix and a boxer. The couple took in the mastiff just last week after a relative didn’t want the dog around her small kids, according to reports. The Browns have no children. “It’s just heartbreaking,” neighbor Mark Hake told NBC 5 Chicago. “We would see them walking their dogs through town, very nice people.” Brown was a firefighter and paramedic with the Bristol-Kendall Fire Protection District and also worked part-time as a paramedic in Big Rock. Her co-workers at the Big Rock Fire Department said she had taken the dog to work last week to socialize it. She didn’t seem to have problems controlling the animal. But authorities say the marks on her body were consistent with a mastiff attack. The dog was described as approximately 130-140 pounds, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Gengler said the dog was “all muscle, very intimidating,” but hadn’t had a history of harming anyone. Kane County Animal Control took all three of the couple’s dogs. It wasn’t immediately clear what would happen to them. Meanwhile, Brown’s colleagues said her husband is devastated. They remembered his wife Wednesday as a first responder with a heart. “Dawn was unique because she was one of those that connected with all of their patients and you can’t say that about every paramedic,” Bristol-Kendall Fire Chief Michael Kalina told KLS-TV. “She was one of those that could feel the empathy, that could feel the pain that they were going through. Damn, that’s sad. Our condolences to her family. Guys we keep saying it but we can’t say it enough. Be careful with these animals! ABCLocal/ Shutterstock Continue reading

Clev. Police Chief “We Have Nothing To Hide” And Releases This Footage Of Police Brutality! [Video]

According to Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath, there is nothing to hide when it comes to a controversial police video of Jalil Anderson’s arrest back in January. “There was no cover-up whatsoever. We are completely transparent in the police department,” said Chief McGrath. vAccording to the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office, Anderson was taken into custody on suspicion of driving under suspension. Officer Martin Lentz says Anderson assaulted him by hitting him in the face with his belt buckle, but the jailhouse video suggests otherwise. During Anderson’s pretrial, prosecutor’s subpoenaed the footage, only to be told it no longer existed. That led to Anderson pleading guilty of a lesser charge of resisting arrest. However, due to a media inquiry, the video was recently released. Surveillance video shows Anderson tossing his belt onto the counter and it appears to graze Officer Lentz. Lentz then walks around the counter, pushes Anderson to the counter, and Anderson is seen resisting the cuffs. Five other officers then assist Lentz in tackling Anderson to the ground. So, what really happened to the video? According to Police Chief Michael McGrath, it never got past the House of Corrections. “The House only stores footage for 30 days, so someone there told prosecutors that it no longer existed there,” said Chief McGrath. The prosecutor’s office says a complete review into what happened is currently underway. “They are more than welcome to do a thorough investigation, this was just a cliche in the system,” added Chief McGrath.

Original post:
Clev. Police Chief “We Have Nothing To Hide” And Releases This Footage Of Police Brutality! [Video]