Tag Archives: child-stars

Courtney Stodden’s Old Weathered Vagina for Thanksgiving of the Day

Can it really be a happy thanksgiving when garbage like this exists…and more importantly…is celebrated and noticed by the general public….when it lands tabloid covers and makes irrelevance relevant by pretending it was married at 16…when clearing it’s pushing 40 and has been a stripper for the last 2 decades…. Courtney Stodden is the fucking devil…but I’m keeping shit thematic..and here she is for thanksgiving…promoting not eating turkey…something I doubt any of you are listening to…

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Courtney Stodden’s Old Weathered Vagina for Thanksgiving of the Day

Pia Mia Perez Ass for Instagram of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some US Guam born…jailbait in training…who has a huge following..especially considering she’s got a pretty useless IMDB…where she was in one movie called Santa Paws…a couple of years ago..that I assume never hit theories…but that I also assume is far more than anyone else born in Guam has pulled off in the entertainment industry… Now as she blossoms into a young woman…she’s taking the right steps and making the right moves to get noticed…by sexualizing herself on social media like she was Miley, Lohan and all the other child stars before her…and I figure I might as well help her on her quest….because it is one I endorse….exhibitionist at 16…leads to sex icon at 19…so keep up the good work Pia Mia Happy thanksgiving….

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Pia Mia Perez Ass for Instagram of the Day

Bet You Didn’t You Know They Were Child Stars First! 7 Stars Who Got Their Start On The Small Screen

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Bet You Didn’t You Know They Were Child Stars First! 7 Stars Who Got Their Start On The Small Screen

Black Child Actors That Are Succeeding…And Struggling

Being a child actor in Hollywood is no joke. Especially if you’re a black one. You can’t help that you’re eventually going to grow up and possibly not be as cute-as-a-button like you used to be. And once you try to cross into more adult roles (if you can find any) you might be criticized for raunchier portrayals. Check Out More At MadameNoire.com

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Black Child Actors That Are Succeeding…And Struggling

Jessica Biel Unwraps Her Birthday Presents

It’s Jessica Biel’s birthday this week, and what better gift could we, her fans, recieve than her boobs and perfect, round, luscious butt? Press “play” and enjoy our sizzling tribute to juicy Jessica Biel nude on her special day.

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Jessica Biel Unwraps Her Birthday Presents

The Last Airbender and 5 Other Stinkers That Didn’t Nip Their Child Stars’ Careers in the Bud

If you were worried about the fate of young actor Noah Ringer, who starred in M. Night Shymalan’s cruddy The Last Airbender (out on DVD this week from Paramount Home Entertainment), fear not — he’s already landed a plum role in Jon Favreau’s eagerly anticipated Cowboys & Aliens . Which makes Ringer the latest in a long line of child stars who managed to keep their careers afloat after appearing in a legendary stinker. Ahead, check out five other child star survivors.

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The Last Airbender and 5 Other Stinkers That Didn’t Nip Their Child Stars’ Careers in the Bud

’90s Stars We Want Back on TV

Check out the ’90s stars users and TVGuide.com staffers want to see back on the small screen [10 photos] Continue reading

17 Child Stars Who Seem to Be Doing Just Fine

Every tragedy involving a young star makes us wonder why anyone lets kids go into show business. But these former child stars, at least, seem to be doing OK. [11 photos] Continue reading

Are Any Former Child Stars Happy and Successful?

The death of Corey Haim has me and my friends wondering: Is this just what happens to child stars? Does the life of a child actor eliminate any chance of a normal, happy…

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Are Any Former Child Stars Happy and Successful?

9-Year-Old Noah Cyrus Performing ‘Smack That’ Is Disturbing On Seven Different Levels

Last time we saw Miley Cyrus ‘ little sister, the tyke was posing with stripper poles and wearing patent-leather thigh-high boots . And now: Noah performs an exuberant ass-slapping version of Akon’s ” Smack That ,” while Miley and friends cheer her on. This is disturbing on at least seven levels

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9-Year-Old Noah Cyrus Performing ‘Smack That’ Is Disturbing On Seven Different Levels