Tag Archives: chriqui-topless

Emmanuelle Chriqui In Sexy Leather

Here is Emmanuelle Chriqui wearing a sexy leather dress at the The Mentalist 100 Episode Celebration. You know what would really take that outfit to the next level? A whip, handcuffs and me on my hands and knees saying “Thank you Mistress Emmanuelle, I’ve been a really bad boy”.

Erica Durance In A Bra For Saving Hope

Wow, now I get why they call it Must-See TV. Here’s Erica Durance taking her top off on some NBC show called Saving Hope . She used to be on Smallville , but I don’t remember her having a rack like this. Anyway, I don’t if this Saving Hope show is popular at all, but shots like this are definitely one way to get more male viewers. I can’t wait to see what they do for Sweeps Week… » view all 20 photos Related Articles: Emmanuelle Chriqui’s Breasts Have Made Me A Believer Emmanuelle Chriqui Topless Is Torturing Me Emmanuelle Chriqui’s Got Cleavage! Emmanuelle Chriqui Topless Bikini Pictures From GQ Magazine

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Erica Durance In A Bra For Saving Hope

Emmanuelle Chriqui Gets Sexy For Something

I don’t know what Emmanielle Chriqui has been doing ever since her bit part on Entourage came to an end, but somebody decided it was a good idea to invite her to a party over the weekend. I couldn’t agree more, sitting around her house doing nothing can’t be good for her moral, she’s got to get back out there. I don’t know what the party is for, but she looks pretty good for an out of work actress.

Rachel Weisz Is Looking Pretty Damn Good

I can honestly say that this is the first time I’ve ever had Rachel Weisz on the site, I’m not actually going to check to see if that’s true, but you’re going to have to take my word for it. Anyhow, now that she’s married to James Bond , she’s all of a sudden become a little more fascinating. Here she is looking red hot outside the Letterman studios last night. Not exactly a busty pin up girl, but still hot. Enjoy.

Emmanuelle Chriqui’s Sporty Hotness

I almost always forget about Emanuelle Chriqui and her hotness. Here she is at the ESPY’s looking sexy in her little leather skirt. Do think any of these women at the ESPY’s really give a crap about sports or are they just there hoping to find an athlete husband? In an outfit like this, Emmanuelle shouldn’t have any trouble.

Emmanuelle Chriqui’s Sad Cleavage

I’m kind of disappointed, normally Emmanuelle Chriqui looks so good, I don’t know what the hell happened to these shots. I can’t really tell, but it almost looks like she’s crying. Gross. There’s nothing as unattractive as a woman balling her eyes out… Other than bathroom stuff or wedding talk. Sick! Anyhow, with cute little cleavage like Emmanuelle is displaying here she’s got nothing to cry about. There there princess.

Emmanuelle Chriqui’s Sad Cleavage

I’m kind of disappointed, normally Emmanuelle Chriqui looks so good, I don’t know what the hell happened to these shots. I can’t really tell, but it almost looks like she’s crying. Gross. There’s nothing as unattractive as a woman balling her eyes out… Other than bathroom stuff or wedding talk. Sick! Anyhow, with cute little cleavage like Emmanuelle is displaying here she’s got nothing to cry about. There there princess.

Elena Gomez FHM Magazine Pictures

You probably don’t know or care who the hell this Elena Gomez chick is, but I’m going to tell you anyway because I’ve got sexy pictures of her from FHM Magazine .

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Elena Gomez FHM Magazine Pictures

Emmanuelle Chriqui Because She Is Hot

Here’s Canadian hottie Emmanuelle Chriqui at the premiere of Nine last night looking damn gorgeous. It’s really too bad this girl doesn’t do anything other than play a minor role in Entourage , I think she could play a major role in my pants

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Emmanuelle Chriqui Because She Is Hot

Emmanuelle Chriqui Disappoints

When you hear the words weird 70’s disco style jumpsuit a good image doesn’t exactly come rushing into your head, until you see it wrapped around Entourage hottie Emmanuelle Chriqui ’s tight little body. Here she is out the other night with that douche from CSI:NY , please tell me they’re not dating, I don’t think I can handle it. Come to think of it they’re both just glorified extras on their respective shows, so I guess they make a good pair

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Emmanuelle Chriqui Disappoints