New York Jets running back Chris Johnson is reportedly recovering in a Florida hospital after a drive-by shooting left two passengers in his vehicle injured…
NY Jets Running Back Chris Johnson Targeted In Suspected Shooting
New York Jets running back Chris Johnson is reportedly recovering in a Florida hospital after a drive-by shooting left two passengers in his vehicle injured…
NY Jets Running Back Chris Johnson Targeted In Suspected Shooting
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged #communityhelp, alumni, bennyhollywood, celeb news, chris, chris johnson, cities-high, left-two, national, new york jets, nfl, school
Dirty dog ballers are at it again! NFL Athletes Accused Of Running Affair House To Cheat On Wives Ex-NBA player Jalen Rose admitted to the steps most ballers take to cheating on their wives and girlfriends . Well, it looks like a couple of athletes have taken the dirty dog game a step farther. NFL players Mike Sims-Walker, Brandon Marshall and Chris Johnson admitted that they have a house they use to have affairs with women without their wives and the media finding out. Via Orlando Sentential reports: A house linked to the shooting of a 15-year-old girl in Pine Hills last year has ties to current and recent National Football League athletes, newly available records in the case obtained by the Orlando Sentinel show. One of the players, former University of Central Florida and Jacksonville Jaguars receiver Mike Sims-Walker, was directly involved in the investigation, records show, at one point entering an Orange County Sheriff’s Office interview room to talk with his cousin, a victim in the case who authorities suspected was lying. Prosecutors have described the home on Robbins Avenue as a nondescript setting where pro athletes could hang out and bring women while visiting Orlando — away from the view of the media. In her opening statement in the trial of Tyrone Mosby — the gang member charged with attempted murder in Danielle’s wounding — prosecutor Nicole Pegues described the Robbins Avenue home as a place NFL pros go “if they want to step out on their girlfriends and their wives … outside of anywhere else where media might catch them.” Gunfire erupted after a burglary there July 29, and a stray bullet struck Danielle Sampson as she rode in her parents’ minivan, rendering the Apopka High athlete severely brain-damaged. The football players were not suspected of any crime or involvement in the burglary or shooting. Indeed, video evidence shows Sims-Walker was helpful to the Sheriff’s Office.
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House Of Hoes: NFL Ballers Chris Johnson And Brandon Marshall Busted For Running “Sex House” Dedicated To Cheating On Wives After Teen Girl Is Murdered
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged chris johnson, did you know, nfl, office, Orlando, players, running, the-list, wives
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This afternoon, the Washington Blade’s Chris Johnson and Metro Weekly’s Chris Geidner asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney about Dan Pfeiffer’s recent claim that a 1996 questionnaire in which Barack Obama said he supported same-sex marriage was not written by the President, despite his signature being affixed to the bottom of the document. The Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 20/06/2011 21:50 Number of articles : 2
White House Press Secretary Challenged On Obama’s 1996 Gay Marriage Questionnaire
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV, Videos
Tagged afternoon, chris johnson, Hollywood, Marriage, Obama, press-secretary, secretary, Sex, signature, think-progress, TMZ, video, white, Youtube