Tag Archives: christianbale

Body Found Where Christian Bale Lived

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Christian Bale Christian Bale lived in a home where a human body was buried … and he had no idea, cops tell TMZ.We’ve learned in 2008, while Bale was filing “Terminator: Salvation” in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the body of Michael Snyder lay in the front … Permalink

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Body Found Where Christian Bale Lived

The John Connor/Terminator Curse Strikes Again

Filed under: Movies , Christian Bale There are perks to playing John Connor in the “Terminator” franchise besides fame and fortune … like DUI arrests, trips to rehab and expletive-filled tirades.The DUI bust of “Sarah Connor Chronicles” star Thomas Dekker is just the latest in a ..

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The John Connor/Terminator Curse Strikes Again