Tag Archives: christmas-hate

Taylor Hill’s Christmas Shoot vs Stella Maxwells of the DAy

Taylor Hill brings the Christmas cheer for some bullshit fashion magazine – because she’s posing with Christmas lights, which is more Christmas that most brands are going – for fear of pissing off their non Christian audience – even though non Christians fucking love Christmas as much as Christians do – since Christmas isn’t even about fucking Jesus anymore – it’s about PRESENTS…and SANTA…and marketing…and food and drinks…and fucking recently divorced lonely women who don’t have the kids this year – cuz their dad took them to Florida with his new hooker wife…YES…miracles…little miracles…called all you can drink Christmas parties…and snowmen…and fireplaces…the warm shit, and not because you ate too many chilies, but because you realize you have a fucking soul…and some spirit…as you take all the free shit people donated to people like you – thanks to poverty….it’s the best time of year to mooch..and the best time of year to take advantage of the depressed…and if you’re a company the best time of year to cash the fuck in…so why all the Christmas Hate….maybe TRUMP will make Christmas great again…I’ve already heard him say “Merry Christmas”…something the PC would never do…. Not that any of that matters, I mean this is barely Christmas, it’s some VS model sprawled on a ghetto couch with lights…but it’s enough…you know…the kind of thing that inspires me to watch It’s a WOnderful life and wonder if they had anal sex would they still have as many kids….you know the important questions you should ask while watching Christmas movies…… I guess Stella Maxwell and some other Victoria’s Secret girl’s shoot is more Christmas…they even have a TWINK Santa and lots of GIFTS to remind you that going broke to impress family and friends is the primary goal of Christmas…and if you can’t afford to buy people nice things – you are a worthless human being who should kill himself…thanks MARKETING… The post Taylor Hill’s Christmas Shoot vs Stella Maxwells of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Hill’s Christmas Shoot vs Stella Maxwells of the DAy