Tag Archives: circus-clown

Uma Thurman in Bikini of the Day

This just in, Uma Thurman is still not a man, despite what her hands have been trying to tell us all these years…and she still confidently put on a bikini, even if there should have been a little resistance on her part, you know a little insecurity, self doubt…negotiations as to whether there were other options for her…but I’ll still stare but more because I’m trying to understand why I have the same bikini body as her…am I the one with the pear shaped problem with high estrogen levels thanks to not taking care of myself…or is she the pear shaped body with high testosterone…or worse..am I Uma Thurman? Or do I just look like her in a bikini…too many questions I don’t have answers for, this is too deep for me this hungover in the day… but I do have the pics of UMA and I Date you to look at them…… To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Uma Thurman in Bikini of the Day

Paris Hilton in a Bikini of the Day

If you’ve been wondering where Paris Hilton has been all these years of irrelevance, where she belongs cuz she’s a useless cunt who just happens to not be worthless thanks to Grandpa.. She’s been teaching her dog this move for the paparazzi…you like like the circus clown she is… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Paris Hilton in a Bikini of the Day

Amy Childs Promoting Shit the Best Way of the Day

This circus clown lookin’ barbie doll no one’s ever really heard and those who have only know her cuz she has big tits….that is Amy Childs has a line of jewelry that she’s promoting the only way she knows how…which is a way that worked well enough for some stripper to have her own jewelry line…and thus probably the only way any girl should promote anything….so girls…start stripping and spreading and all your dreams will come true…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Amy Childs Promoting Shit the Best Way of the Day

January Jones The Crazy Lookin’ Dog Walker of the Day

January Jones lied to me at the Golden Globes. She made me think she was worth looking at. Like her tits were the most important globe at the event. Like she had so much to offer…but again…she’s out walking the dog…reminding me of the importance of stylists, make-up artists, and whatever else magic she used to make me want to fuck her….as these pictures rob me of that desire and I’d pretty much fuck anyone…Clearly not a good look for a budding starlet seeking approval to have a lasting career… Seriously, I can’t figure out what she’s dressed as, but I’m thinking crazy street busking Jazz piano playing circus clown….whatever it is, it’s fucking odd.

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January Jones The Crazy Lookin’ Dog Walker of the Day

Christina Hendricks Tit in GQ of the Day

I still don’t know who this Christina Hendricks chick is, I just know she has fat tits and I guess that’s all you really need…but then again, maybe she’s being talked about cuz of the likliness of her pussy hair being bright orange, like some kind of circus clown without a fucking circus…and after recenly getting over a lifelong fear fueled by total disgust of gingers and their orange pubic hair against their pale white skin….that’s gotta be why people are talking about her….or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking that the plight of the red head freak will end….cuz I’m pretty sure people care cuz of her tits… Either way, she did GQ, enjoy.

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Christina Hendricks Tit in GQ of the Day