Tag Archives: class-action

Watch Your Head: Women Sue L’Oreal For Causing Perm-Burns That Scalded Them Bald

Yikes… Women File Class Action Suit Against L’Oreal Over Relaxer Hair Loss A group of women have come forward with a $5 million lawsuit against L’Oreal, alleging that the company sold them a product that burned their scalps so severely that they’ve been left with bald patches. According to TMZ , the company is accused of packaging a celebrity-backed product called SoftSheen-Carson Optimum Amla Legend No-Mix, No-Lye Relaxer, stating that it actually protects scalp and skin while providing desired results. But taking a look at these pics: We’re doubting this is the look these poor women were going for. L’Oréal shot back at the women’s lawyers, stating that the product’s packaging warns of scalp burns and hair loss being a potential danger, and provides instruction for safe application. However, the plaintiff’s firm says it’s crazy to blame the women disfigured by their perm product and want the relaxer pulled from shelves. Let’s just take a look at what celeb endorsed this scalp-snatching concoction… = Oh no, Cynthia! Well hopefully these women don’t come for her wig as well. Ladies, let this serve as yet another warning…you need to be CAREFUL putting these chemicals on your head! If you’re going to do the perm thing regardless, PLEASE go to a professional …not your kitchen. TMZ/PRNewsFoto/SoftSheen-Carson Laboratories

Watch Your Head: Women Sue L’Oreal For Causing Perm-Burns That Scalded Them Bald

One Direction Can’t Get Away With The Emotional Damages They’ve Caused

One Direction better look out for Dirk Hammersburg, who is filing a class action lawsuit against the boys for emotional distress.

One Direction Can’t Get Away With The Emotional Damages They’ve Caused

One Direction Can’t Get Away With The Emotional Damages They’ve Caused

One Direction better look out for Dirk Hammersburg, who is filing a class action lawsuit against the boys for emotional distress.

One Direction Can’t Get Away With The Emotional Damages They’ve Caused

Celebrities Team Up Against South Park

Enough is enough. Stars from around the celebrity landscape joined forces to file a class action suit against South Park . On the 200th episode of South Park . Tiger Woods , Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey, Charlie Sheen, Paris Hilton and others sought revenge for myriad indignities inflicted by the series over the years. Cruise organized the effort after being called a … we can’t say that here. But he, faux Jennifer Lopez, “Mecha-Streisand” and Jimmy Buffet hit back hard! Here’s the lynch mob led by famed director Rob Reiner … Someone forgot to animate Mel Gibson . By revisiting some of its most controversial topics, the episode aimed to be a greatest hit (job) to end all greatest hits. If you like the show, it clearly was. If not? Well, you probably should file a class action lawsuit against the show and Family Guy while you’re at it, or just deal, because they’ll never change. Click here for some of the night’s top South Park quotes !

Celebrities Team Up Against South Park