Tag Archives: laboratories

Watch Your Head: Women Sue L’Oreal For Causing Perm-Burns That Scalded Them Bald

Yikes… Women File Class Action Suit Against L’Oreal Over Relaxer Hair Loss A group of women have come forward with a $5 million lawsuit against L’Oreal, alleging that the company sold them a product that burned their scalps so severely that they’ve been left with bald patches. According to TMZ , the company is accused of packaging a celebrity-backed product called SoftSheen-Carson Optimum Amla Legend No-Mix, No-Lye Relaxer, stating that it actually protects scalp and skin while providing desired results. But taking a look at these pics: We’re doubting this is the look these poor women were going for. L’Oréal shot back at the women’s lawyers, stating that the product’s packaging warns of scalp burns and hair loss being a potential danger, and provides instruction for safe application. However, the plaintiff’s firm says it’s crazy to blame the women disfigured by their perm product and want the relaxer pulled from shelves. Let’s just take a look at what celeb endorsed this scalp-snatching concoction… = Oh no, Cynthia! Well hopefully these women don’t come for her wig as well. Ladies, let this serve as yet another warning…you need to be CAREFUL putting these chemicals on your head! If you’re going to do the perm thing regardless, PLEASE go to a professional …not your kitchen. TMZ/PRNewsFoto/SoftSheen-Carson Laboratories

Watch Your Head: Women Sue L’Oreal For Causing Perm-Burns That Scalded Them Bald

Aperture Laboratories offers useful Valentine’s Day facts


Excerpt from:

If you think you’re all set with your Valentine’s Day preparations, you may want to take a look at this Aperture Laboratories gift buyer’s guide. Flowers and chocolates might seem like safe bets but be warned of hidden dangers. Perhaps Valve has a better solution? Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Destructoid Discovery Date : 14/02/2011 05:00 Number of articles : 2

Aperture Laboratories offers useful Valentine’s Day facts

Adam Yauch Loses Unfinished MPAA Appeal

The MPAA today upheld its R rating for the Holocaust documentary A Film Unfinished — the same R rating that Beastie Boy and indie distributor Adam Yauch decried as “bullsh*t” ahead of this week’s appeal. The ratings board was not swayed by the citation of the PG-13 Holocaust doc The Last Days , which, like A Film Unfinished features “disturbing images of Holocaust atrocities including graphic nudity,” but which was also produced by Steven Spielberg, so you do the math. Alas. A Film Unfinished opens Aug. 18. [ Oscilloscope Laboratories ]

Adam Yauch Loses Unfinished MPAA Appeal

"Peer 2 Peer" Rental Challenges London’s New Bike Share Scheme?

Image credit: Cycle London London’s new bike rental scheme , like Paris’ velib scheme before it , may be a huge hit. But there’s a young upstart on the block that is looking to offer an alternative to these large-scale schemes—and it says it can make ordinary bike owners some money in the process. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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"Peer 2 Peer" Rental Challenges London’s New Bike Share Scheme?

UL Environment’s Green Label Expands to Mobile Devices

Photo via dan taylor UL Environment is a fairly new label for green electronics, just launching in January of last year. Underwriters Laboratories has always been a trustworthy entity, though the first company to earn a UL Environment label was LG, who had a SteamWasher and an LCD television set vetted (all amid controversy over th… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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UL Environment’s Green Label Expands to Mobile Devices

Dr. Reddy’s On the Cusp of Major Growth

Sudhi Analyst submits: I think Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories ( RDY ) presents an attractive reward/risk opportunity for investors with a 2-3 year horizon. Dr. Reddy’s is on the cusp of major growth RDY fiscal 2010 sales are approximately $1.6 billion. RDY has guided towards a target of 25% ROE and $3 billion in sales by fiscal 2012. In order to get there, I looked for the earnings needed. I make the following assumptions: Net income Margin stays same around historical 13-14% sales ROE guidance for fiscal 2011 will be upped to 25% Thus earnings during the 3 year period needed to achieve the goal would be approximately $1 Billion. See model here . Complete Story