Tag Archives: clayne-crawford

Damon Wayans Chuck The Deuces To ‘Lethal Weapon’ TV Role Because He’s “Too Old” And Sick For The Filming Schedule [Video]

Welp, rough news for fans of Fox’s Lethal Weapon action-comedy series . Damon Wayans has just abruptly announced that he plans on quitting the show at the end of filming this season. The news came as a relative surprise during his recent interview with Eurweb . The comedic actor claimed that as a 58-year-old man suffering from diabetes, the grueling shooting schedule had simply gotten to be too much for him. This is a shock for fans (and it seems, perhaps for the network…), who have already had to adjust to severe shake-ups on the show this year. Wayans’ co-star Clayne Crawford bowed out for season 3, replaced instead by Seann William Scott (“American Pie”). Now, with Wayans making an exit as well, there’s no telling what direction the show will go in. Do you watch? What do you think of this shakeup? Getty/Vimeo

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Damon Wayans Chuck The Deuces To ‘Lethal Weapon’ TV Role Because He’s “Too Old” And Sick For The Filming Schedule [Video]