Tag Archives: cleavage-tour

Heather Graham’s Busty European Hangover

Looks like the Heather Graham Hangover 3 cleavage tour has gone worldwide, because here’s the chestically-blessed hottie at the movie’s European premiere. I know Part 3 is supposed to be the last Hangover movie and all, but now I’m kinda hoping they scrap that plan and just keep these movies coming. Not because I think it’s going to be any good, but because any excuse to see two straight weeks of Heather Graham’s cleavage is a worthy investment as far as I’m concerned. Besides, don’t they just bang these scripts out in a couple days anyway? At that rate, we should be able to get another movie just in time for the holidays. Let’s make it happen people. » view all 46 photos Related Articles: Heather Graham Ruins A See Through Moment Heather Graham Is Smokin’ Heather Graham’s Lesbian Comeback Heather Graham Gets Back The Sexiness Photos: WENN.com , PacificCoastNews

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Heather Graham’s Busty European Hangover

Taylor Swift Gives Us A Little Leg Action

For reasons I don’t entirely understand, Taylor Swift attended the Brit Award s last night, I guess because she’s still looking for a new boyfriend. And for reasons I definitely don’t understand, she went almost entirely covered up. Sure, I know there’s some nice leg action going on under there, but after the International Cleavage Tour we’ve been getting the past couple weeks, this is kinda disappointing. Hopefully Taylor brings it a little better at the next tour stop. » view all 30 photos Related Articles: Taylor Swift Unleashes The Cleavage Now That She’s Single Taylor Swift Swimsuit Pictures Taylor Momsen Drunk, Disorderly And Pantless Taylor Swift Gets Leggy For Christmas Photos: WENN.com

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Taylor Swift Gives Us A Little Leg Action

Taylor Swift Was Grammy Hotness

The Great 2013 Taylor Swift Cleavage Tour continued at the Grammys last night, and while I couldn’t tell you if she won any awards, because my brain automatically goes into sleep mode whenever it’s gone longer than 5 minutes without seeing cleavage, Taylor’s definitely starting to win me over. Let’s hope she stays single for a while longer and keeps this up. For now though, just enjoy it while it lasts.

Taylor Swift’s Cleavage Is Back On Tour

I don’t know what’s gotten into Taylor Swift here, but whatever it is, I want more of it. For a girl who usually shows up to events like this dressed like she’s middle-aged, Taylor was rocking some serious cleavage at the 2013 40 Principales Awards in Madrid, whatever the hell those are. Anyway, I guess I was a little premature in proclaiming the 2013 Taylor Swift Cleavage Tour officially over . Apparently tickets are still available, and the show’s going international. I’ll take two please. » view all 47 photos Related Articles: Taylor Swift Unleashes The Cleavage Now That She’s Single Taylor Swift Swimsuit Pictures Taylor Momsen Drunk, Disorderly And Pantless Taylor Swift Gets Leggy For Christmas Photos: WENN.com

Taylor Swift’s Cleavage Is Back On Tour