Tag Archives: coddled-forever

Selena Gomez Tits Make an Appearance of the Day

Selena Gomez looks well rested, with her new face, after her stint at rehab where she lost her mind and cancelled her tour because of Beiber…..or maybe she was just being an entitled rich kid who has been coddled forever because the family had to make money and live their dream – that ended up putting the pressure on her and fucked her up mentally – lots of pressure to keep up the bullshit… Or maybe she’s just well fucked, vaginally destroyed…by the Weeknd who apparently has a massive penis I write about a lot – thanks to girls I know who have sucked it…and it makes looking at Selena Gomez, the naughty little pig…a little more wonderful…

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Selena Gomez Tits Make an Appearance of the Day