Tag Archives: color-the-dicks

Drunk Stunt of the Day

When I’m drunk, my stunt isn’t any of this athletic circus clown shit…I’m more into just staying alive so I can drink more…you know hoping my heart doesn’t fucking explode but sometimes, I’ll bust an experimental dance move, but usually when I’m too drunk to formulate words…that’s when I think experimental dance is the best way to express myself…it’s my kind of tweaking…I guess other drunk stunts I do is try to walk a straight line, offend as many people as possible, get as many free drinks as I can, and rub my penis against the thigh of at least one unsuspecting babe when walking through the crowd…if I’m lucky and have extra money I pull off my favorite drunk stunt and that’s getting a rub and tug…or a back alley blow job from a fat chick or a hooker…because I can’t bring that shit home to me…all this to say I am good at being drunk, but not this good, cuz I can barely even stand…

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Drunk Stunt of the Day

Jojo’s Ass Working Out of the Day

Jojo doesn’t matter, but I am compelled to post her fitness selfies because I like girls who work out….even when they are has been child stars no one cares about because they started dating black dudes and the majority of white dudes what when girls date black dudes…I mean just yesterday I had 10 emails because some other child star I never heard of named Jeannette McCurdy is dating some NBA player…because internet makes it easy to be racist… Personally, I don’t really care what color the dicks being put in bitches I don’t fuck are…I just care that I haven’t seen the video of it…and if anything, girls who get fucked by black dudes….are probably freakier in bed than their white only policy counterparts…that or they have bigger vaginas…. Ultimately, blame hip hop.

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Jojo’s Ass Working Out of the Day