Tag Archives: comedic-fodder

Emily Maynard and Jef Holm Celebrate Birthday, Life

It’s safe to say that Emily Maynard and Jef Holm are going stronger than ever. The Bachelorette lovebirds recently celebrated Jef’s birthday in New York, looking happy as can be in one of their very first public appearances together. Jef Holm has been uploading photos galore – and Tweeting about his bride-to-be – constantly since their engagement aired on the season finale in July. “This was a fun night. #birthday #NYC (sic),” Jef tweeted with the pic below: Jef and Emily (a.k.a. Jem) recently returned from Ghana, where they visited villages that received wells thanks to Holm’s company, People Water. The duo shared many life-changing experiences on the ABC reality show, but compared to the Ghana trip, that just seems like … well, reality TV. Holm is reportedly in the process of relocating to Charlotte to be with Emily Maynard and her daughter, Ricki, 6. He will be getting his own place, for now. “We’re just going to live our lives together and get accustomed, plan a wedding, and when we get married, move in together,” he said last month. Emily Maynard and Jef Holm: Think they’ll last?

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Emily Maynard and Jef Holm Celebrate Birthday, Life

Michael Phelps: Taking a Bath for Louis Vuitton

Well, that didn’t take long. Within hours of the Spice Girls and company closing down the London Olympics, Michael Phelps has been featured in his first post-2012 Games ad campaign. The first of a great many, we’re sure. In this simple spot, the most decorated Olympian of all-time just can’t escape the water, staring intently into the camera from a bathtub, a Louis Vuitton bag by his side. We’re sure he’d prefer if girlfriend Megan Rossee were in there with him instead. But the massive check written to Phelps by the purse maker likely offsets that disappointment… Phelps has also booked his first new television gig. He will follow in the cleated footsteps of Charles Barkley and Rush Limbaugh as a student of of Tiger Woods’ former coach Hank Haney, appearing as a willing golf protege on The Haney Project .

Originally posted here:
Michael Phelps: Taking a Bath for Louis Vuitton

Ronald Poppo on Rudy Eugene "Zombie" Attack: He Chewed Up My FACE!

In newly-released police interviews, Ronald Poppo can be heard talking about the suffering Miami face-eating attacker Rudy Eugene caused him. Poppo details the bizarre attack that left the homeless man missing 75 percent of his face and was seen by some as a sign of the zombie apocalypse . The 65-year-old Poppo described Rudy Eugene as initally “a good guy” who suddenly went “beserk” and threatened to kill him, CBS Miami reports. “He attacked me. He ripped me to ribbons. He chewed up my face. He plucked out my eyes. Basically that’s all there is to say about it,” Poppo said. Poppo’s statements were recorded during a July 19 interview with Miami homicide detectives. He said Eugene, 31, at first seemed friendly enough. Until he started to become irate about not being able “to score” at Miami Beach, where thousands of people were partying on Memorial Day weekend. “He apparently didn’t have a good day at the beach … And I guess he took it out on me or something,” a stunned Poppo recalled. “I don’t know.” “He just started to scream, and was talking kind of funny talk for a while too,” the victim added. “He must have been souped up on something.” Contrary to rumors that surfaced following the attack, Eugene was NOT on bath salts , only a small amount of weed … which is even scarier.

Bruce Jenner vs. Usain Bolt: Who’s a Better Athlete?

Before Bruce Jenner became the face of botched plastic surgery and the man best known as comedic fodder for Kim Kardashian and company, he was one of America’s most beloved Olympians. No, really! Jenner captured the Gold at the 1976 Games in Montreal, which is why he actually could be considered an authority on track and field and which explains why he took exception to the boasting of Usain Bolt over the weekend. Following his second consecutive 200 meter victory, Bolt proclaimed to NBC that he’s the “greatest athlete to live.” The Jamaican’s Twitter bio also now reads that he’s the “most naturally gifted athlete the world has ever seen.” But Jenner will only concede that Bolt is the “the best sprinter” in history, telling TMZ that Usain “can’t pole vault, he can’t throw anything” and he’d be “terrible” at the decathlon, which forces entrants to compete in 10 events, from discuss to hurdles to the high jump. So, it needs to be asked: in his prime, which of these men was the best athlete?

Continue reading here:
Bruce Jenner vs. Usain Bolt: Who’s a Better Athlete?