Tag Archives: commonly-used

Rich The Kid Reveals Who Came Up With The Phrase “Dat Way”

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Source: Quality Control Rich The Kid recently stopped by the Durtty Boyz to speak on new business endeavors and reveals who created the commonly used phrase, “Dat Way”. Lalaa Shepard @lalaashep

Rich The Kid Reveals Who Came Up With The Phrase “Dat Way”

Montel Williams Busted with Drug Pipe

Filed under: Montel Williams , Celebrity Justice Montel Williams was cited for packing a marijuana pipe at the airport in Milwaukee today … according to the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office. Cops say TSA busted the former talk show host with a metal pipe commonly used to smoke marijuana … as he… Read more

Montel Williams Busted with Drug Pipe

Water Supply in CA Town Contaminated with Toxic Chemical Used to Make Explosives

Photo: Bobak Ha’Eri , Wikipedia, CC The vast majority of the time, tap water is your best bet for clean, cheap water in the US. Not so in Barstow, CA. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently declared a state of emergency in San Bernadino County when it was discovered that the water supply was contaminated with the toxic chemical perchlorate. Perchlorate is commonly used to make explosives and rocket fuel. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Water Supply in CA Town Contaminated with Toxic Chemical Used to Make Explosives

Surf the latest tech gadgets and get updates from the best blog

The world continues to grow at a wonderful pace and day-by-day newer tech gadgets are coming into existence. Tech gadgets play a major role in our life and our life totally depends on them. If you want detail information about the various gadgets then you can access them from the best blog. All these new blogs will update you with the latest gadgets coming in the market. You can avail them according to your needs. The commonly used gadgets includes mobile phones, media players, cameras and cam

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Surf the latest tech gadgets and get updates from the best blog

Eva Mendes’ Sexy Hungry Booty

You guys know what I mean when I say Eva Mendes has a hungry booty, her pants are riding up like they’re being eaten by her ass, I’m pretty sure this is a commonly used expression. Maybe not. Anyhow, here she is out the other day showing off her sweet little package while her hungry booty goes to town on an innocent pair of yoga pants. Those things never saw it coming. I wouldn’t mind that thing nibbling on me for a few hours. Dirty.

Okay, I’m so done with this product

I know what it is, and it’s not crab. It’s a fish paste made from unpopular fish and it’s frozen, shaved, molded, slurried, ground, and mutilated to form something that resembles crab..sort of

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Okay, I’m so done with this product