Tag Archives: complete-access

Wikileaks Lawyer Says Pentagon Given Access to Unpublished Secret Documents – Newsweek

A U.S. lawyer representing the whistleblowing web site Wikileaks says U.S. government officials have been given codes and passwords granting them online access to official U.S. government documents that Wikileaks so far has not published. Timothy Matusheski, a lawyer from Hattiesburg, Miss., who says he represents whistleblowers and has been in touch with both Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and at least one government official involved in investigations of Wikileaks, said Wikileaks had set up a “secure channel” through which authorized users could access the unpublished material. He said credentials for using this Web site had been forwarded to representatives of the U.S. government whom he did not identify. Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Matusheski said U.S. officials had even been given access to an online mechanism where they would be able to redact what they consider potentially sensitive information. Matusheski says he himself has only been given a portion of the codes needed to access the unpublished material. So, he says, the U.S. government now has wider and more complete access to the material than he did. added by: toyotabedzrock

Late Shift Author Bill Carter on ConanGate, Letterman’s Heirs and the Cannibalization of Late Night

Of all the journalists who covered the dramatic ups and downs of late night television this year, only one has made the genre his journalistic purview. Reacquaint yourselves with Bill Carter: New York Times media reporter, bestselling author of The Late Shift and the authority on late night. In spite of the tens of thousands of headlines already devoted to Conan, Leno and Letterman in 2010, the late night industry is still relatively small, with a handful of hosts, a few hundred employees and several tightly guarded doors. As evidenced by his definitive book about the battle over Johnny Carson’s crown, Carter is the only person with complete access to this cutthroat world. In anticipation of his upcoming chronicle, The War For Late Night: When Leno Went Early and Television Went Crazy , which will be published in September , Movieline picked Carter’s brain about another HBO adaptation, a potential Tonight Show down at the Emmys and the reason why Conan might contribute to the collapse of late night.

Originally posted here:
Late Shift Author Bill Carter on ConanGate, Letterman’s Heirs and the Cannibalization of Late Night