Tag Archives: condom-filled

Valerie van der Graaf Hot for Lovecat #5 of the Day

Valerie van der Graaf is a hot model from the Netherlands….She was in the last issue of Lovecat Magazine, looking pretty fucking spectacular , but I’m a bigger fan of this half nakedness, erotica, all busty as fuck and good enough to try to get pregnant, even if you’ll never be in the same room as her, being someone who never leaves his couch, but if you’re like me, and have a lot of time on your hands, you can look up every van der Graaf in the Netherlands and send them a condom filled with your semen you made yourself looking at these pics, hoping she may flip it inside out and have your baby….even though the chances are she won’t even get it, but those who do , will likely call the cops, ruining everything. Life is unfair. These pictures are not…unless this bitch is actually disgusting when not in professional photoshoots…like most bitches are…lies everywhere….don’t matter when I can seee titty…

The rest is here:
Valerie van der Graaf Hot for Lovecat #5 of the Day