Tag Archives: being-someone

Ashley Tisdale Possible Nipples of the Day

Ashley Tisdale got herself a full fucking rebuild…or maybe it’s a social media fact filter…but I like to think it’s more some face injections, probably the same face injections Khloe Kardashian got that turned her from big potato headed monster from the woods of the Pacific North West, I guess we’d call Big Foot, to being someone who looks like a porn chick that black guys seem to like cumming inside…scientific advancements or some shit… Well, Tisdale, who already has a fake nose, that was botched, is on some other shit, with her tits out, where there is possibly nipple, but I don’t think there’s nipple, as she is no longer a 28 year old playing a girl in Highschool, but a 35 year old wife trying to have some level of sex appeal as her peers just keep getting fatter. I guess her fitness and muscle memory allow her to be the best version of herself…because what we can all learn from Tisdale is that a hot body over face any day, as all faces get hacked up eventually, while a hot body is what you actually have to look at when you fuck…or in your casee jerk off like the pathetic loser you are.

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Ashley Tisdale Possible Nipples of the Day

Taylor Swift in Vogue of the Day

Taylor Swift is in Vogue, which is good because normally things are in Taylor Swift. That was a little slut shaming a girl who doesn’t embrace being a slut – because she labels all her lovers as public boyfriends – because society likes that better, even if she burns through 12 boyfriends a year…not even factoring all the rebounds she gets…we’re talking a 20 dude a year pussy right here… Singing about love, when she’s more about the fucking….because love is more marketing…a scam maybe…but not as much as her quirky face being treated as if it was a model because she’s more famous than god…

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Taylor Swift in Vogue of the Day

Lizzy Caplan for Elle Canada of the Day

Lizzy Caplan is from some TV show that she gets naked in. Now she is in a magazine – where she is not getting naked. Offensive. If her entire purpose is being someone who gets naked for money. Her fame is actually dependent on it. All media coverage that she does should involve her naked. Otherwise, we’re just wasting tits here…tits that are willing to be seen – at least when they are in context of her “character” on a TV show that will launch her career – but tits nevertheless. This could be much more interesting…

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Lizzy Caplan for Elle Canada of the Day

Valerie van der Graaf Hot for Lovecat #5 of the Day

Valerie van der Graaf is a hot model from the Netherlands….She was in the last issue of Lovecat Magazine, looking pretty fucking spectacular , but I’m a bigger fan of this half nakedness, erotica, all busty as fuck and good enough to try to get pregnant, even if you’ll never be in the same room as her, being someone who never leaves his couch, but if you’re like me, and have a lot of time on your hands, you can look up every van der Graaf in the Netherlands and send them a condom filled with your semen you made yourself looking at these pics, hoping she may flip it inside out and have your baby….even though the chances are she won’t even get it, but those who do , will likely call the cops, ruining everything. Life is unfair. These pictures are not…unless this bitch is actually disgusting when not in professional photoshoots…like most bitches are…lies everywhere….don’t matter when I can seee titty…

The rest is here:
Valerie van der Graaf Hot for Lovecat #5 of the Day

Dear All,

Although I do not spend much time analyzing personalities of people who post on Current I honestly feel that many great contributors to Current community are mistakenly banned as a result of the wrong assumptions. I am not Current Staff member but I formed my opinion that based on the content of the comments that many recently banned members mistakenly where assumed to be J_J. Accusing people of being someone else is not productive, takes away from interesting and intelligent discussion and most importantly it is destructive. I would like to propose to everyone on Current to be civil, bring interesting posts and discussions and stop accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being J_J. After all opposing opinions are just as interesting as supporting. Thank you. added by: MotherForTruth

we’ll be a dream lyrics by Demi Lovato

Continued here:
we’ll be a dream lyrics by Demi Lovato

Lindsay Lohan Lookin Affordable at an Event of the Day

There was a time when Lohan was untouchable. She was at the top of her shit and the idea of being in the same room as her was pretty much fantasy because when a bitch is at the top of their shit, they assume they are too good for everyday people, so it’s nice to see her fall from her peak and struggle to stay relevant, by attending events and getting plastic surgery and shit in hopes it’ll make a difference, because in her superficial world, I guess it does because a girl who was once only fucking every single celebrity or rocker, is almost at the point of being someone you can throw a couple hundred dollars at and she’ll do whatever you need, we just need a few more rejected movie roles, a few more horrible reviews on her fashion career and a few more bad investments, and bitch will be ours to share. The whole thing is exhilerating, as I’ve been a Lohan fan since the beginning…

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Lindsay Lohan Lookin Affordable at an Event of the Day