Tag Archives: constantly-beg

Justin Bieber to Attend Anger Management Classes, Pay Neighbor for Damages

Justin Bieber is a free man. But he isn’t a totally free man. The singer was charged with misdemeanor vandalism today in relation to his egging of his neighbor’s home back in January. Bieber’s attorney then pleaded no contest in court on behalf of his famous client, agreeing to a plea bargain in the process. The terms of this deal are as follows: He is on probation for two years. Bieber must complete five days of community service. He must attend anger management classes. He must pay the neighbor, Shawn Holley, $80,900 in damages. After all was agreed upon, Justin’s team released the following statement: Justin is glad to get this matter resolved and behind him. He will continue to move forward focusing on his career and his music. 23 Reasons Justin Bieber Needs to Get Punched 1. He Can’t Keep His Shirt On Yeah. Selfies like this work if you’re Matthew McConaughey. Not Justin Bieber. Also, Matthew McConaughey would never post selfies like this because he doesn’t need to constantly beg for attention or prove to himself that he’s cool.

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Justin Bieber to Attend Anger Management Classes, Pay Neighbor for Damages