Tag Archives: content-people

Hot Blonde Model Swimming with Sharks of the Day

Her name is Ocean Ramsey, she is from Hawaii, she is a surfer and dive instructor and she swims with a great white shark like a fucking crazy person….she released this video on Valentines Day, because I guess this shit is true love, a that she doesn’t realize will probably eat her like she was a tiger trainer in Vegas…. She claims it is all calculated, but animals are unpredictable, but this video is still fucking awesome…. Here’s an older video of her swimming with sharks…with a little background story on her hotness that swims with sharks….she’s been doing this a long time… Apparently she was on Good Morning America recently…but I can’t be too sure of anything but the fact that I want to have sex with her….

Hot Blonde Model Swimming with Sharks of the Day

Hot As Fuck Naked Rihanna and Kate Moss By Mario Testino for V Magazine of the Day

I guess V Magazine is into recycling…because they just posted this Video of Kate Moss and Rihanna from a shoot that was released BACK IN NOVEMBER 2012 …. I guess they put money into this shit and want to milk it as hard as they can, hoping to bring it back for a second life with some content people haven’t already seen, you know especially now that Rihanna is the top of her fucking game….and as long as it involves two babes at this level naked and doing dominatrix shit…coupled with my bad memory of whether I’ve seen this shit before or not…since it is all kinda one massive blog post to me having been doing this for so fucking long….it feels new to me…. That’s the beauty of video…bitches get older and die off but their hot pics live on forever….

Originally posted here:
Hot As Fuck Naked Rihanna and Kate Moss By Mario Testino for V Magazine of the Day