Tag Archives: costume-sells

Kristen Stewart: Dating St. Vincent!

Kristen Stewart has moved on from her former assistant Alicia Cargile again.  No, like, again -again.   This time, it’s reported that she’s dating Cara Delevingne’s super hot ex-girlfriend, American musician St. Vincent.   Yeah, we’d be pretty happy, too, since St. Vincent is the on-fire kinda gorgeous that curls our toes.   Us Weekly reports that the couple is pretty new, and only went public last week. After Stewart brought St. Vincent to the premiere of her new movie, “Certain Women,” the two have reportedly been inseparable.  “It’s been very romantic,” the source reveals . “Kristen is always whispering closely in her ear and asking her opinion.”  Her opinion on what, we’re not sure, but surely it’s got something to do with tips on how to avoid washing your hair, or showing too many teeth when you smile.  Though Stewart publicly confirmed that she and ex-girlfriend Cargile had fallen into their old pattern of boning (can they bone? Is there a way to do that?), she never released a statement saying that they’d broken up.  Previously, Kristen praised the relationship and said, “Right now, I’m just really in love with my girlfriend.” “We’ve broken up a couple of times and gotten back together, and this time I was like, ‘Finally, I can feel again,” she positively mooned.  Apparently the thrill — or at least the feeling — is gone. Again. ( Again -again.)  Prior to that, Stewart dated SoKo, the French … whatever she was.   By all accounts, the relationship between SoKo and Kristen was a weird one, and SoKo — real name Stéphanie Sokolinksi — appeared to be way more into it than Stewart ever was.  So into Stewart, that it looked like the relationship ended because of Kristen’s cheating history. SoKo outright accused Kristen of cheating — a thing Stewart’s made a habit out of, apparently — in a deleted Twitter rant that simply said, “CHEATER. F—king CHEATER.” Surely she couldn’t have been terribly surprised, as Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson  with buck-toothed director, Rupert Sanders.  As for her new relationship with the gorgeous St. Vincent, this one’s gotta be The One, right? At least for awhile, anyway.  Honestly, what could they possibly fight over? Who has the better legs? Who’s more beautiful? More angsty? ‘Cause it’s a toss-up — nobody’s ever gonna win that kind of argument with these two together. 

Read more from the original source:
Kristen Stewart: Dating St. Vincent!

Sexy Ken Bone Costume Sells Out; Legend of #TheBoneZone Continues

Kenneth Bone: Man. Myth. Rocker of boss-ass red sweaters. If you somehow haven’t heard about Ken Bone by now, then you have our condolences. Fortunately, it’s not too late to get brought up to speed on the most important political figure of the 21st century. We understand that sounds like an exaggeration, but if anything, we should expand it to include the 20th century. Hell, we’ll throw the last couple decades of the 19th in there while we’re at it. Suck it, Grover Cleveland! Anyway, in case you missed the second presidential debate on Sunday night, Donald Trump didn’t win. But neither did Hillary Clinton. So who emerged victorious? You guessed it – the big homey Kenneth Bone won the debate by an overwhelming margin. (They decide these things by who inspired the most memes, right?) While Trump and Clinton fought for your vote for 90 minutes, Mr. Bone stole the nation’s heart with just 30 seconds of screen time: Kenneth Bone Asks Presidental Debate Question Now, he’s reaping the rewards of overnight fame. He’s been on talk shows; he’s racked up 174,000 Twitter followers, and even stars like Courtney Stodden want to bone Kenneth . Now, in perhaps the surest sign that the man is a full-blown Internet sensation, a sexy Ken Bone Halloween costume offered on the website Yandy.com sold out almost instantly! “It was clear before the debate had even ended who the real star was that night,” Yandy.com CEO Chad Horstman said in a statement. “The Ken Bone phenomenon has only picked up speed since, and we knew right away that a sexy costume version would be in huge demand this Halloween season.” Yes, it seems the whole world wants in on #TheBoneZone these days. He’s been dubbed the new Harambe , and Instagram personality @shitheadsteve makes a case for why Bone is actually superior to the late ape when it comes to inspiring memes: It’s hard to put Mr. Bone’s appeal into words. His debate appearance was pure lightning in a bottle – the sort of thing that can never be recreated. The ‘stache, the sweater, the hilariously pun-able name… All of these things are part of the fascination, but Kenneth is more than the sum of his parts. Now, the only question is – who will Ken Bone vote for ? He’s still undecided, but we’re guessing by Election Day, one of the candidates will enjoy a #BoneBounce.

View original post here:
Sexy Ken Bone Costume Sells Out; Legend of #TheBoneZone Continues