Tag Archives: create-patterns

You Can’t Be Serious…Florida Is Ready To Pass An Anti-Sagging Law

Really? A bill?? We don’t want to see men’s underwear either but the government is going to tell people how to dress now??? State Senator Gary Siplin has been working on a bill aimed at a school’s dress code policy for six years and he’s close to making it law. SB 228 and House version, HB 61, makes it against the law when teens wear their pants so low you can see their underwear. The proposed rule under the school code of conduct applies to boys and girls. The Senate version passed without any dissenting votes. The saggy pants fashion among teens is bad enough to inspire this song on American Idol a couple of seasons ago. The opening lyrics say, “Pants on the ground. Pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground.” Florida lawmakers agree with “General” Larry Platt’s song and are fast approving a bill banning clothing that shows underwear in public schools. Mike Davis, a senior at Gibbs High School in St. Petersburg, says he supports the bill. “You should dress appropriately for school. It’s a business. It’s the place training you to become the person you will be in life.” A local school principal agrees wholeheartedly: Principal Kevin Gordon says school administrators are sending a clear message on what’s appropriate for school and the workforce. “If you are not dressed appropriately, then you’re not ready for school. If you are not ready for school, you’re not ready to be successful,” says Gordon. He adds, “Those are patterns students get into. We try to create patterns that are going to be patterns of success.” Do you think the government has a right to dictate how people dress?? Source

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You Can’t Be Serious…Florida Is Ready To Pass An Anti-Sagging Law