Tag Archives: crush-on-miley

Carolyn Murphey Modeling Some Bikini Tops of the Day

Carolyn Murphey is a lot of fun….and I am just saying that because she was involved in a Sex Tape that is available all over the internet…despite her having a team of lawyers run after anyone who posts it….cuz the internet always wins when it comes to this kind of thing…because the world is too vast…and the nerds are too smart…that US Law can’t case after some server in the middle of a some African war lord run mountain chain….but these idiots celebs and models don’t get that…and don’t realize they shoulda never videotaped themselves fuckin if it wasn’t a play to get more exposure…when it is always a play to get more exposure…it just doesn’t always work out the Kim Kardashian way….making them scramble to erase the shit…and pretend it never happened….it doesn’t matter…what matters is that she’s posing in a bikini top for some eyeglass company….

Carolyn Murphey Modeling Some Bikini Tops of the Day

Miley Cyrus Puppy Fetish Continues of the Day

I have a crush on Miley Cyrus…I think she’s a lot of fun…or at least worth watching in pictures of her weird privileged brat…..you know childhoodless child star who daddy exploited to finance his one hit wonder life he was used to….but couldn’t maintain….you know cuz of the whole one hit wonder shit…. She’s the kind of girl I’d want to get pregnant….but not have to interact with….so I just jerk off on her pictures and tape them to my wall. I’m romantic like that. She’s the queen of puppy and tight body girl erotica on social media…and here’s her latest puppy on her legs….her lean….lovely legs I’d leg to wear as a scarf as my mouth gets lost in her fleshy panty filler.

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Miley Cyrus Puppy Fetish Continues of the Day