Tag Archives: crush-on-obama

It’s (Another) Girl for Rob and Amber Mariano!

Forget Boston Rob. Just call him Boston Dad. Rob and Amber Mariano – who met on Survivor and who have both earned $1 million prizes on that reality show – are the proud new parents of their third daughter, the couple confirmed today, as Amber gave birth to Isabetta Rose on May 5 in Pensacola, Florida. She weighed in a t7 lbs., 3 oz. “Isabetta was born with a full head of brown hair and blue eyes,” Amber tells People . “She still has all of her hair almost six weeks later, and her eyes are still as blue as can be. Her sisters can’t get enough of her. They always want to hold her and I’m not sure who gives her more kisses – her big sisters or her parents!” The baby joins siblings Lucia Rose, 2

Obama Boy Video Reveals Crush on the President

President Barack Obama has had a rough couple of weeks, but he’s still right in the thick of the 2012 race thanks to millions of his loyal devotees. Not the least of which: Obama Boy. The track is a follow-up to the ubiquitous “Obama Girl” video from the 2008 election (although the creators have no connection to Amber Lee Ettinger ). This boy has a crush on Obama, no doubt: Obama Boy – Crush on Obama The tune is one and the same, but the lyrics have been updated to a reflect the 2012 landscape, notably President Obama’s support of gay marriage . “I put down my Prop 8 sign, now I’m going to make you mine,” is a notable lyric, as is “You support me unlike the right. You’re my rainbow colored knight.” Follow this link for EW’s interview with the writer and director John Duarte, 29, and Obama Boy himself, Justin Brown, 28, for more on the video. Then check out the Obama Girl classic below, just because. She’s smokin’. These two viral videos definitely show the President’s broad appeal … Obama Girl – Crush on Obama

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Obama Boy Video Reveals Crush on the President

Jasmine Anema Passes Away

Jasmina Anema, who captured the hearts of President Obama, Rihanna and thousands of ordinary Americans, lost her courageous fight against leukemia today. The little girl was just six years old.

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Jasmine Anema Passes Away