Tag Archives: transplant-last

Get Well Soon: Robin Roberts Recovering Following Brief Hospital Stay, Anchor Fell Ill While Vacationing In Florida

We love you Robin Roberts . Get well soon. Robin Roberts Suffers Setback In Recovery According to People Robin Roberts hit a bump on her road to recovery last week, but says she’s feeling better after a brief hospital stay. The Good Morning America anchor fell ill while on vacation in Key West, Fla., she told fans in a Facebook post Thursday morning. “I began not to feel well. Nothing serious, just under the weather,” she writes. “I contacted my doctors and flew back to NYC. They felt it best to admit me into the hospital for a few days. Seems my young immune system needed a little boost to fight off ‘opportunistic infection. Roberts, 52, who had a bone-marrow transplant last September after being diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, says last week’s setback was minor and not uncommon for someone at her stage of recovery. “My doctors assured me that this was NOT because I was working or doing too much, too soon,” she writes. “It’s extremely common, post bone marrow transplant, to have complications. I’m blessed that mine have not been severe.” Roberts says she’s now “feeling MUCH better,” will relax at home this week, and plans to be back at the GMA anchor’s table next week. Get Well Robin! We love you. AP

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Get Well Soon: Robin Roberts Recovering Following Brief Hospital Stay, Anchor Fell Ill While Vacationing In Florida

World’s 1st Full Face Transplant In Spain Is Hailed As A Significant Advance By Transplant Experts.

According to United States media reports, there were 30 doctors completed the world’s first full-face transplant last month at Barcelona’s Vall d’Hebron Hospital. It is the most difficult total face transplant ever from world’s eleven (11)face transplants that had been made. It was been done for a patient from spain who is a farmer tha unable to breathe or eat on his own. His was injured and totally affected his face from an accident that he shoots himself in the face way back five years ago. As per report in AP on Friday, during operation and face transplant, doctors lifted his entire face which includes jaw, nose, cheekbones, muscles, teeth and eyelids, and placed it masklike onto the man. Upon completion of operation, the patient has a new face from hairline down. However, an scar which looks like a wrinkle runs across his neck. Anyway, thats only the scar he had after the full-face transplant. which looks like a wrinkle. Read More World’s 1st Full Face Transplant In Spain Is Hailed As A Significant Advance By Transplant Experts. is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Rihanna’s 6-Year-Old "Angel on Earth" Loses Leukemia Battle

Not all inspirational stories have a happy ending. Rihanna is mourning the death of 6-year-old Jasmina Anema, a cancer patient who underwent a bone-marrow transplant last year after the…

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Rihanna’s 6-Year-Old "Angel on Earth" Loses Leukemia Battle

Jay Leno Plays the Victim, Admits to Lying, Sucks as a Human Being

We always knew Jay Leno wasn’t funny. But who knew he was such a whining, lying manipulator? Days after Conan O’Brien officially left NBC , and Leno reclaimed The Tonight Show hosting gig, Jay appeared with Oprah Winfrey to try and rehabilitate his image

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Jay Leno Plays the Victim, Admits to Lying, Sucks as a Human Being

Jasmine Anema Passes Away

Jasmina Anema, who captured the hearts of President Obama, Rihanna and thousands of ordinary Americans, lost her courageous fight against leukemia today. The little girl was just six years old.

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Jasmine Anema Passes Away