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Jackson’s Knack for Picking Friendly Docs
Beyonce’s a cunt.
Beyonce’s Wonky Tits in a Pantsless Performance of the Day
Tagged Beyonce, Cunt, Hollywood, performance
If I had known that I would have been in a club with Lady Gaga last week, I probably would have played things out a little different, and instead of grabbing her ass around her secuirty guard’s back, and demanding a drink, only for her cunt fuck face to give me a dirty look, like she’s not a ugly piece of shit girl I would normally piss on if she hadn’t tricked the world and got herself famous, and I would have suicide bombed her fuckin’ pussy. When I see her, I feel angry, and when I see her pulling stunts like this with her stupid hair piece to hide her accidented face and I just want her dead.
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Lady Gaga’s Still Trying to Distract Us With Stupidities of the Day
This Transformers shit is goin’ nuts. I was talking to a friend of mine who waited in line at the premiere, who I comtemplated not being friends with after hearing that, who redeemed himself by having video of him asking every geeky guy in line if they would fuck the girl in Harry Potter on her period, or some shit, that made being in line with a bunch of loser almost worth it, like Megan Fox almost makes going to the movie worth it, but when she wears dresses like this, with a built in window into her soul, or at least the closest thing she has to a soul and the only thing unfortunate in all this is that the dress doesn’t have a window into her cunt.
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Megan Fox and some See Thru Cleavage Bullshit of the Day
Giant condom pillow featuring a condom pocket and a giant cloth condom inside is for sale on Etsy . This would make a good birthday present for your slutty friend
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Giant Condom Pillow
Oh good, a blind guy driving with a stick. Excellent. By the look of the scenery, it's just another Thursday in Boca Raton, so at least we know the mall security guards are prepared to attack.
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Driving Blind
I think it’s nice to see horseback riding goin’ back to the Wild West days where common whores would ride from brothel to brothel to brothel lookin’ for the latest STD from multiple gold prospectors a night, because I was tired of it being some stuffy bullshit that won’t let me in the gates of their exclusive riding clubs, after telling them I just love watching girls in tight pants bounce up and down on shit. Cunts.
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Katie Price Destroying Equestrianism of the Day