Tag Archives: danish

Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz Together for Calvin Klien of the Day

This is the celebrity / model equivalent of getting a lap dance from a mother/daughter dancing duo, who realize that alone they aren’t that great…but together they give fantasies, to those of you who like to fuck a woman and that STD she shat out of her vagina 9 months after being cummed inside, once that STD grows up to be an annoying, spoiled brat… I actually know a lot of guys who have fucked women, then their 20 year old daughters, or vice versa, it’s more common than you’d think…and I guess it happens in “hollywood”…not that Lisa Bonet or Zoe Kravitz are hollywood, I mean Cosby Show and that other show with Dwayne Wayne haven’t been on TV in 25 years…while Zoe Kravitz is just some rich kid who benefitted from her mom and probably more her dad’s career..so that she doesn’t have to work and all this is just “fun”…or as her pretentious trying to be a bigger deal with a higher purpose than “connected rich kid”…her “art”…it’s laughable…but at least they are getting PAID..bro.. Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | INSTAGRAM The post Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz Together for Calvin Klien of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz Together for Calvin Klien of the Day

Maitland Ward is a Trainwreck of the Day

I am pretty confident that Maitland Ward is an unstable, possible drug addict, fame whore trying to get some attention before it’s too late…pushing 40, maybe even older than 40, banking on Boy Meets World, her ONLY job, fans to remember her and pay attention…and I guess it is kind of working… I just find the whole thing pretty fucking sad, not because I hate old sloppy girls half naked, I mean I think it’s great…especially when the whole thing backfires. I mean sure sites like mine post on her, but sites like mine are totally fucking irrelevant, and that may make these girls feel good, but that just shows how dated their thinking is, assuming that they think… A couple of days ago was “Kiss a Ginger Day”….a perfect day for ginger fame whores to self promote…and she missed it and posted it a day later…when it was trending on facebook. These kind of obscure days are the ones these fame whores NEED to be producing content for, so sites have an excuse. Missing the day, when it’s all you’ve got, it’s your Golden Globe, to show off your tits and hope maybe, just maybe this time will be the time people care… Instead, she just looks like a fucking wreck, which is erotic to me, but that’s because I only really deal with unstable, hooker type women, one pill away from overdose… I mean could she have shot any shittier fucking pics…it’s her naked with a naked friend on her – yet they look like they are shot in a first generation iphone…at least invest in a goddamn camera and some photography classes fame whore. If Kiss a Ginger a Day Late with a Ginger who should be living for this one day as it’s her only hope…isn’t you’re kind of famewhore.. How about Bai Ling Dressed like David Bowie as a “Tribute”…or what I like to call pissing on his grave. I like the smoking- you know since he died of cancer…nailed it… TO SEE MORE CLICK HERE Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | INSTAGRAM The post Maitland Ward is a Trainwreck of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Maitland Ward is a Trainwreck of the Day

Nina Agdal Promoting Bathing Suits of the Day

Nina Agdal is the worst forehead in bootleg modeling… All SI Swimsuit models are bootleg…they aren’t real models and don’t really work…but they get rich boyfriends… Nina Agdal happens to be the one who has special needs, at least I assume she does, she’s got Downs Syndrome mainly because she’s got this big Danish head…. She’s a sugar baby, which is code for prostitute, because that’s how all these Sports Illustrated models live the good life….rich guys love Sports Illustrated girls… Really, all that matters is that I am all for affirmative action, you know hiring handicapped people from some organization, who get government subsidies to give retards work…and who you can get for cheap as fuck… I am also into sex with retards for the same reasons…but that doesn’t matter….I’m just weird…so you can imagine…I’m into it.. If you don’t like that…here’s a slutty shoot of hers.. The post Nina Agdal Promoting Bathing Suits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nina Agdal Promoting Bathing Suits of the Day

Scott Weiland death of cause

On December 3, 2015 Scott Weiland was found dead on his tour bus around 9 p.m. before he was to go on stage in Minnesota with his band The Wildabouts. While Weiland#39;s cause of death is unknown, the performer had well-documented struggles with heroin, cocaine and alcohol in the past. The singer was found unresponsive on his tour bus, according to those reports. He was slated to perform Friday in Rochester, Minnesota, according to the Los Angeles Times. The news first broke when Jane#39;s A

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Scott Weiland death of cause

7 Transgender Movie Characters That Paved The Way For ‘The Danish Girl’

Here are seven movies that paved the way for “The Danish Girl” with transgender characters.

7 Transgender Movie Characters That Paved The Way For ‘The Danish Girl’

7 Transgender Movie Characters That Paved The Way For ‘The Danish Girl’

Here are seven movies that paved the way for “The Danish Girl” with transgender characters.

7 Transgender Movie Characters That Paved The Way For ‘The Danish Girl’

Ariana Grande Doesn’t Hate America When Selling Perfume of the Day

Ariana Grande hates America when it comes to licking donuts, something that would get a homeless person arrested for doing, something that would get a black person killed for doing, something that a Donut shop owner just put out there to get some press to his Donut shop, without remember that no one likes a snitch, and this bitch makes too much money for people, they’ll cleanse her image in two seconds, you can’t ruin her…even when she says she hates America… People still support her.. If you said you hated America…on your phone the NSA is tracking…the FBI would raid you…especially if you had an Arab name… But this Grande hooker, who has had a lot of very large penis in her, gets a perfume line…because she doesn’t hate AMerica when it makes her money…which I guess is pretty American of her.. The post Ariana Grande Doesn’t Hate America When Selling Perfume of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariana Grande Doesn’t Hate America When Selling Perfume of the Day

Nina Agdal Lingerie Instagram Video of the Day

I like to shit on Nina Agdal…but I am not a Dubai rich person…so I can’t afford to actually do it, like they probably do it, only she’s smart enough to not publish those pics on her social media, she doesn’t need the world knowing her seedy “it makes me a million a year and that’s a lot of booze for my boozy immigrant ass”….strategies… Cuz we know shes not making it with her modeling…but I guess I also know that this video of her, if you don’t look at her handicapped Danish head…is actually pretty hot… I mean when you have a body like this, I don’t care how drunk, failed model turned hooker you are…not just because even successful models are hookers, but because her body is banging and that’s good enough for me… To see Nina Agdal dumb Face Leave Gym CLICK HERE The post Nina Agdal Lingerie Instagram Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nina Agdal Lingerie Instagram Video of the Day

Nina Agdal Modeling Beach Bunny Lingerie of the Day

Beach Bunny must be owned by Sports Illustrated, because it is the only brand that gives the 5/10 in terms of hoteness Sports Illustrated models any fucking work, it’s like at some point in time they all run through this nonsense and they all look as best as they can, which in Nina’s case is okay, she’s got a good body, but she’s big and Danish, and her head is built like someone with a retardation or birth defect, which I guess doesn’t matter when she’s got a body like this…a long torso that seems to be getting longer and longer..the more her alcoholism and aging takes its toll on her… She will end up with a very rich American husband, and this is basically her “back pages”…marketing tool, because I know she doesn’t make any real money…but why should she, she just stands around in a fucking bikini like a hooker…so treat her like one… Here are the pics… The post Nina Agdal Modeling Beach Bunny Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nina Agdal Modeling Beach Bunny Lingerie of the Day

Louise Mikkelsen Nipples for GLamcult of the Day

Louise Mikkelsen is a Danish model, who may not be as good as a cheese danish, or a cheery danish, or really any danish, because this diabetic motherfucker loves baked goods more than up and coming models who get topless whenever they can because it gets them noticed in the industry and may lead to solid work for them….there are just so many of them, all interchangeable, and none of them willing to sit on my face, rocking their hips back and forth until squirt…so it’s like a bunch of useless tits that I can’t fuck with…but you can never have too many Danishes, the baked goods version, because I can and will fill my face up with that shit….and while I do, here’s some model tit… The post Louise Mikkelsen Nipples for GLamcult of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Louise Mikkelsen Nipples for GLamcult of the Day