Tag Archives: dwayne-wayne

Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz Together for Calvin Klien of the Day

This is the celebrity / model equivalent of getting a lap dance from a mother/daughter dancing duo, who realize that alone they aren’t that great…but together they give fantasies, to those of you who like to fuck a woman and that STD she shat out of her vagina 9 months after being cummed inside, once that STD grows up to be an annoying, spoiled brat… I actually know a lot of guys who have fucked women, then their 20 year old daughters, or vice versa, it’s more common than you’d think…and I guess it happens in “hollywood”…not that Lisa Bonet or Zoe Kravitz are hollywood, I mean Cosby Show and that other show with Dwayne Wayne haven’t been on TV in 25 years…while Zoe Kravitz is just some rich kid who benefitted from her mom and probably more her dad’s career..so that she doesn’t have to work and all this is just “fun”…or as her pretentious trying to be a bigger deal with a higher purpose than “connected rich kid”…her “art”…it’s laughable…but at least they are getting PAID..bro.. Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | INSTAGRAM The post Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz Together for Calvin Klien of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz Together for Calvin Klien of the Day

Nerds We Love

We see the word “nerd” as a term of endearment. In fact, if loving nerds is wrong we don’t want to be right. A nerd is someone who stayed on his/her intellectual grind, regardless of negative peer pressure. Nerds burned the midnight oil in the library while everyone else was at the party. They toiled to earn multiple degrees and academic accolades. As a result, they are leaders, innovators and thinkers who are taking us all to the next level in science, medicine, and civil rights. Their smarts make them sexy, interesting and admirable. Here are 4 nerds that we just love to pieces. ( Continue… )

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Nerds We Love

Kim Kardashian in Some Stupid Pants of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s found an interesting way to hide her fat, and that’s to make pants out of fucking bed sheets. I don’t know what shit she’s trying to pull off, maybe it has something to do with trying to connect to her roots by wearing traditional traveling Armenian gypsy outfits or maybe she’s tyring to connect with her black man market by dressing like MC Hammer in the 90s, rockin’ some parachute pants like she was Theo Fucking Huxtible, or Dwayne Wayne, or maybe bitch thinks she’s is a Genie in a bottle you need to rub the right way, and the right way, and as far as I’m concerned, the only way to rub this pig is not behind the fuckin’ ears on on it’s pig pussy, but by shoving a 12 gauge down her throat by tellin her to suck your pipe like it was Ray J, but that’s probably because I have anger issues or maybe it is cuz I think pigs should be treated like pigs, not named and brough into the house like a fucking pet….

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Kim Kardashian in Some Stupid Pants of the Day