Isht just keeps getting messier between these two . Angela Stanton Sues Phaedra Parks For Defamation Angela swears she’s telling the truth. Come on you knew Phaedra was off when she took that big wad of cash outside the courtroom. According to Rhymes With Snitch Everybody knows Real Housewives of Atlanta’s Phaedra Parks is suing Angela Stanton and Vibe Magazine for defamation over Angela’s memoir, ‘Lies of Real Housewife. Now Angela turns the tables on Phaedra by filing a defamation lawsuit of her own… Angela’s lawyer, James Radford, explains the new filing, “We have filed our own claims for defamation, tortious interference with business relationships, punitive damages, and attorneys’ fees.” “Phaedra Parks’ lawsuit and the tactics employed against Ms. Stanton and her publisher have undermined Stanton’s ability to market the intellectual property that is her compelling personal narrative.” Hopefully these ladies can settle their differences on “RHOA” or “Fix My Life.” We love us some angry bird beef.
The turbulent life of writer and political activist Eldridge Cleaver (pictured) highlights both the intellectual rise of a former criminal and a slow descent inspired…
Far left multimillionaire and Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren — the standard-bearer for a combative new progressivism — told MSNBC this week that she is not rich. Warren considers herself the intellectual leader of the #occupy criminal movement. Via Buzzfeed: … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 27/01/2012 15:01 Number of articles : 2
Movieline is pleased today to bring you your first look at the new poster for Into the Abyss , director Werner Herzog’s acclaimed documentary foray into the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and legal wilds of capital punishment in America. Or Texas, more specifically, where Herzog digs into the case of convicted murderer and condemned inmate Michael Perry.
Horror-movie icon ushered in the modern era of slasher films — but is he the best cinematic killer of all time? By Kevin P. Sullivan Michael Myers in “Halloween” Photo: Dimension Films We’re just about halfway through MTV’s Killer Halloween , and the competition is just heating up in the battle to find out which movie murderer tops them all. So far, we’ve profiled Freddy , Jason , Leatherface , Chucky and Ghostface , but now we look at the man who ushered in the modern era of slashers. Which horror-movie baddie has the best personality? Make your pick in our MTV Movies Blog poll! Michael Myers Occupation : Homicidal boy, homicidal adult Weapons : Knife, inability to ever freaking die Archenemy : His family, his psychiatrist, anyone who gets in the way of him killing his family and his psychiatrist Profile : Michael Myers was a bit of a prodigy in the ways of serial killing, changing the game even as a young boy. Pre-teen Michael may have been the first to don a mask — a creepy clown one for his first murder — and go after the babysitter, his sister Judith. He spent the remainder of his youth in an institution for the mentally disturbed under the close observation of Dr. Sam Loomis. After Michael escaped, stealing a mask, jumpsuit and knife from a hardware store, movie serials have never been the same. The target of most of Michael’s deadly attention has been his surviving sister, Laurie, the lead played by Jamie Lee Curtis in the first two films and “Halloween: H20” and Scout Taylor-Compton in the Rob Zombie remakes. The early films simply focused on Michael’s obsession with finding his long-lost baby sister, but later in the series, the true origin of Michael as an embodiment of pure evil added a supernatural element to the villain. There has never been too much to Michael Myers’ tactics. He stalks. He walks. He kills. His style of murder will be remembered for a number of reasons. His mask, an old William Shatner “Star Trek” mask painted white, has become a horror icon. His slow gait and silent disposition directly inspired dozens of imitators — Jason Voorhees, most famously. Modern slasher films owe a debt to Michael Myers and his creator John Carpenter, whose work has affected the genre for generations. Where do you think Michael Myers falls in the scope of horror-movie psychopaths? Let us know in the comments! Check out everything we’ve got on “Scream.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit .
German man who returned Leslie’s stolen laptop says he wasn’t paid as promised. By Rob Markman Ryan Leslie Photo: Getty Images While $1 million might sound a bit steep for a laptop, that’s how much Ryan Leslie said he would pay to whomever returned his MacBook, which was stolen last year. Armin Augstein said he returned the computer to the “Diamond Girl” singer but claims he has yet to receive the reward, so now the 52-year old German man has filed a suit in U.S. District Court in New York, the Daily News has reported. “It’s unfortunate that my client has to go to such lengths to recover the reward,” Michael Fischman, Augstein’s U.S.-based lawyer, told the paper. MTV News reached out to Leslie’s rep for comment, but haven’t heard back as of press time. Leslie appeared on “RapFix Live” via Skype last November, shortly after he lost the computer and offered the reward. “I lost my computer out here in Germany. I actually had my whole new album on there, which I had been working on in secret, and it got stolen. So right now, I got a million-dollar reward for anybody that can return my intellectual property to me,” Leslie explained at the time. The computer and hard drive that accompanied it contained unreleased material from R.Les’ upcoming Less Is More album, and recovering the music was important to the singer. After claiming that the MacBook was stolen from the back of his car while he was in Cologne, Germany, Leslie offered a $20,000 reward but later upped the pot to a whopping $1 million. He even posted a video on YouTube to announce the reward increase. Related Videos ‘RapFix Live’ With Lloyd Banks Related Artists Ryan Leslie
Who would have ever guessed Halle Berry has some issues and insecurities when it comes to men and relationships?! Not these two winners: She not only did she just realize she’s not meant to be anybody’s wife, she just wrapped her brain around the fact that her relationship choices are horrible. But it’s not her fault. “I WISH I had known then that I was not the marrying kind. It would have saved me a lot of time, heartache and grief over the years. I made all the wrong choices when it came to love. I have been an idiot. But, now, it is like a gift to myself – seeing more clearly and making better decisions. One thing was unavoidable. My father left us when I was young and that did affect my life. If I had a good father in my life, growing up, then I do not think I would have made the mistakes I made. I would not have been lost in love. I would have had a good role model and known what to look for. As it is, I had to find out about marriage from the men I’ve married. I have done it twice and I am not going to do it again. The traditional form of marriage is not for me. I did say, after my first marriage, ‘never again.’ I was burned and I was done. But I thought Eric really loved me, so I said ‘yes’ to his proposal. Poor thang! At least she’s good when it comes to getting older though. I can enjoy all facets of what I am – the sexy side, the strong side, the intellectual side, the mothering side, the funny side… and the vulnerable side. We become more complete as we grow older and, at 18, we don’t realise just how young and inexperienced we are. So growing older is not such a big deal for me, despite the fears that older actresses have in Hollywood. When I hit 40, for example, I didn’t feel 40 – or whatever that is supposed to feel like. I am just getting into my stride in my career. People said that it was going to be hard to get roles and that business dries up. But I don’t feel that way. You GO, Halle. Source
We see the word “nerd” as a term of endearment. In fact, if loving nerds is wrong we don’t want to be right. A nerd is someone who stayed on his/her intellectual grind, regardless of negative peer pressure. Nerds burned the midnight oil in the library while everyone else was at the party. They toiled to earn multiple degrees and academic accolades. As a result, they are leaders, innovators and thinkers who are taking us all to the next level in science, medicine, and civil rights. Their smarts make them sexy, interesting and admirable. Here are 4 nerds that we just love to pieces. ( Continue… )
Posted onDecember 2, 2010byBenny Hollywood|Comments Off on Will Kentucky taxpayers subsidize religious theme park teaching creationism?
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear announced Wednesday the building of a religious theme park teaching creationism, and using tax payers money in the form of tax subsidies to do it. The park’s developers are seeking $37.5 million in state tourism development incentives. The park will be called “Ark Encounter” and is expected to feature a huge replica of Noah's Ark. The park is scheduled to open in the spring of 2014. Governor Beshear is selling the venture as an economic development project. Preliminary indications are that the attraction could draw as many as 1.6 million guests per year and would cost at least $24.5 million to complete. However, there are legal and ethical concerns about the state sponsoring a religious enterprise that threatens the intellectual health of the public. In addition, advocates for church-state separation argue the tax incentives violate the spirit of the First Amendment.… added by: unimatrix0
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During the July 2 edition of Bloomberg Television’s Political Capital, Bloomberg News columnist Margaret Carlson exalted Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Carlson stated she would vote for Kagan “twice” because “It has been so long since I saw someone in public life joyful about being there.” The gushing didn’t stop there for Carlson who continued to adorn Kagan for her impeccable “intellectual ability” and “temperament,” despite admitting that there was little substance known about Kagan. This however was not important to Carlson who then proceeded to fawn over Kagan’s joke that “brought the house down.” Carlson ended by blaming Republicans as one of the reasons Kagan wouldn’t receive an almost unanimous decision to the court, similar to Justice Scalia. However, National Review Editor Kate O’Bierne pointed out that the fundamental reason some Republicans were going to vote against Kagan was because of a “deep respect for the Constitution” and Kagan would, “fall into the liberal mistake of wanting laws to reach certain results and go there whether or not the Constitution permits it.”