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All The Things Nikki Haley Could Do After Leaving Her UN Gig

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S peculation was abounding over the next job move for President Trump ’s United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley after her surprising resignation announcement Tuesday morning. See Also : UN Report Calls Out Trump’s Harmful Policies On The Poor Trump and Haley held what appeared to be a hastily arranged press meeting in the White House to announce her departure from the post at the end of the year, the Washington Post reported. Haley said she needed a break after serving six years as South Carolina governor and two years at the United Nations. President Trump and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley will meet in the Oval Office amid reports that she is resigning https://t.co/osqwp8sQPU — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) October 9, 2018 Haley was born in Bamberg, South Carolina, to immigrant parents from India. The 46-year-old, whose birth name is Nimrata Randhawa, was appointed to serve at the United Nations even though she had no experience working in international relations. She holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Clemson University. Before becoming governor, Haley served in the South Carolina House of Representatives from 2005 to 2011. Where does she go now after her U.N. gig? Haley has already ruled out a 2020 presidential run. And she’s unlikely to challenge South Carolina’s Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham for his seat, according to The State . “I look forward to supporting the president in the next election,” she said at the press meeting, leaving the door open to perhaps a fulltime position with Trump’s re-election campaign. There was also many job opportunities in the White House, such as replacing White House Chief of Staff John Kelly . If that job doesn’t interest Haley, she could take over whatever projects Ivanka Trump has been working on in the White House. They would, in essence, replace each other—with Ivanka going to the United Nations. Haley has already penned one book, titled Can’t Is Not An Option . She may be planning to write another book—one that could pave the way for a 2024 presidential run. If she’s leaving her post under negative circumstances, there’s also the possibility of a tell all book about the Trump administration. While there’s doubt about Haley competing for Graham’s senate seat, she get appointed to the Senate if Trump decides to make Graham his next attorney general. @maddow could Nikki Haley be appointed as senator for Lindsey Graham, if he is to become the next Attorney General? — Christina (@ChristinaFavs) October 9, 2018 There’s also speculation that Trump wants Haley on his 2020 ticket as her vice president. It's pretty obvious why @nikkihaley resigned today. Not sure why no one has pointed it out yet including @realDonaldTrump . #TrumpHaley2020 Sorry Mike Pence. Maybe next time. — Jay Mcfarland (@JayMcfarland) October 9, 2018 Maybe she will do nothing and just retire The night she won the GOP nod for governor in 2010 @Campaign_Carl , then with @FoxNews , asked me “What's next?” I replied, “Celebrate the win tonight, get some rest, and figure out the rest tomorrow.” Let the woman enjoy some peace and quiet after 8 years of hard, successful work. — Zach Pippin (@zachpippin) October 9, 2018 With her new overseas connections and access to the administration, there’s a possibility that Haley may decided to earn big bucks as a lobbyist. And of course, there’s probably a seat waiting for her at Fox News as a commentator. The possibilities seem endless. SEE ALSO: Meet Kim Jackson, Brett Kavanaugh’s Black Supreme Court Law Clerk The Sunken Place Unites! Ben Carson, Candace Owens And Stacey Dash Speaking At A ‘Black Leadership Summit’ [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3829976″ overlay=”true”]

All The Things Nikki Haley Could Do After Leaving Her UN Gig

Republicans Portray Maxine Waters As An Angry Black Woman Over Senators’ Data Breach

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R epublicans applauded Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh ’s angry words during his Senate confirmation hearing but called California’s Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters an angry Black woman for denouncing allegations of her staff’s involvement in a data breach. SEE ALSO: Trump Once Again Proves He Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Maxine Waters Waters called the accusations “lies, lies and more despicable lies” that are “being pedaled by ultra-right wing pundits,” in a Twitter post on Saturday. Several right-wing sites, including the Gateway Pundit, blamed the congresswoman’s staff for adding personal information about three GOP senators to the lawmakers’ Wikipedia pages. The breach came on Thursday, hours after the Senate testimony of Christine Blasey Ford , who alleged that Kavanagh sexually assaulted her when they were in high school, the Washington Post reported. Please read my statement on false allegations regarding the leak of the personal information of U.S. Senators: pic.twitter.com/YBEekR6jBB — Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) September 29, 2018 Ari Fleischer , President George W. Bush ’s former press secretary, illustrated the double standard in a tweet that received high-fives from fellow Republicans. “This denial is angry. This suggests she doesn’t have the temperment (sic) to be a Member of Congress. When someone is accused of something they didn’t do, they must not be angry. They must not be defiant. They must not question the motives of the accuser. They must be calm and serene,” Fleischer wrote. Yet Republicans saw no problem with Kavanaugh, who could sit on the nation’s highest court for decades, defending his reputation through an angry, uncontrolled tirade. Indeed, South Carolina’s GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham also expressed his outrage at Democrats during the hearing. Waters has long been a target of Republicans because she stands up to the GOP. Supporters cheered the congresswoman for daring the president’s supporters to shoot her in an escalating dispute with  Donald Trump . “Shoot straight because there’s nothing like a wounded animal,” she said boldly at a June immigration rally in Los Angeles. SEE ALSO: Powerful Images Of Activists Honoring Botham Jean On His Birthday All The Details About Bill Cosby’s Life In A ‘State Of The Art’ Prison [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3828464″ overlay=”true”]

Republicans Portray Maxine Waters As An Angry Black Woman Over Senators’ Data Breach

Arrow Season 4 Episode 8 Recap: Daddy Issue

The CW concluded its latest Arrow-The Flash crossover by dropping a major bombshell on viewers. Indeed, Oliver Queen has one major daddy issue: he is one! Watch Arrow Season 4 Episode 8 Online On  Arrow Season 4 Episode 8 , Oliver confronted an ex-girlfriend after running a DNA test to confirm that her child really is. As some have speculated, however, this mother-son tandem are not comic book characters Sandra and Connor Hawke. They are simply two relative unknowns named Samantha and William Clayton. This way, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told reporters after a screening of the installment, Connor can still be introduced at a different point down the line. Thanks to Barry going back and erasing the timeline in which Felicity learned of Oliver’s secret, resulting in a major blowout, Oliver now has no plans on revealing the truth to his girlfriend. As you might expect, according to producer Wendy Mericle, this is “definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season.” She adds: “True to what we’ve done on the show, if there’s a secret somewhere, it’s going to come out, and it’s going to have some serious consequences, [which will] raise the stakes [for Olicity] and throw some wrenches into the works of their relationship.” View Slideshow: 15 Best Shows in CW History: Ranked! Also having consequences? Barry trip back in time after Vandal Savage actually destroyed both Team Arrow and Team Flash. “When Sara was brought back, when Thea was brought back, last year when Barry changed the timeline, this year when Barry changes the timeline… any of these things that feel like the right thing to do, there is always, always a price to be paid,” Kreisberg previews.  Finally, as seen in the concluding minutes (when Malcolm gathered Savage’s ashes) the villain’s story is not over. Not by a long shot. Look for details of how he’ll resurface to play a major role on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow , which premieres in January. So there you have it. Crossover complete. Visit TV Fanatic to watch Arrow online in case you need to catch up and then sound off: What did you think?!? View Slideshow: 18 Sexy Small Screen Superheroes

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Arrow Season 4 Episode 8 Recap: Daddy Issue

God Isn’t Fixing This: N.Y. Daily News Cover Slams "Coward" Politicians in Wake of Massacre

The New York Daily News’ cover in the wake of yesterday’s San Bernardino, Calif., massacre is both provocative and highly political. By design. The publication calls out those it feels could do something to end the plague of gun violence, but instead revert to useless platitudes, time after time. The tweet of the Daily News front page, which hits newsstands in print form this morning, is already the most retweeted of 2015 for the paper. Beneath the headline God Isn’t Fixing This, the cover reads: “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes.” U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP presidential candidates Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham all responded with “prayers.” Four pull quotes from the Republican political leaders are plastered on the publication’s front page in eerily similar, arguably meaningless glory. Think that means a lot to the victims of San Bernardino – 14 dead and 14 wounded – and the victims of the inevitable next mass shooting? For their part, and by contrast Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders pointedly called for “action” to stop gun violence. President Barack Obama, meanwhile underscored the need for stronger gun control laws in the United States after Wednesday’s mass murder. It’s a message he has stressed repeatedly in recent years, and weeks, as he is forced to address tragedies like this with alarming frequency. While the Daily News is obviously in the business of selling papers and ads and benefits from the viral sensation that is this cover, you tell us: Is it a viral sensation at least in part because it says what so many people are thinking but are afraid to, and so jarringly hits the nail on the head? AND VOTE: Time for stronger gun control measures? YES. Fewer guns, fewer tragedies! NO. It’s unconstitutional and won’t stop anything! View Poll »

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God Isn’t Fixing This: N.Y. Daily News Cover Slams "Coward" Politicians in Wake of Massacre

Dennis Rodman Throws Support Behind Donald Trump

Donald Trump, we have found your running mate. While most celebrities (and, let’s face it, most warm-blooded humans with an IQ over 12) find the Presidential hopeful to be a pompous bigot, Dennis Rodman is here to throw his support behind the real estate mogul. For what reason? We’ll let Rodman explain via Twitter: “@realDonaldTrump has been a great friend for many years. We don’t need another politician, we need a businessman like Mr. Trump! Trump 2016.” Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, of course, but Dennis Rodman is good friends with Kim Jong Un . We’re just saying. Trump is somehow leading many Republican polls at the moment, despite saying most Mexican immigrants are rapists … despite blasting John McCain for getting captured during the Vietnam War … and despite actually giving out Lindsey Graham’s cell phone number .  But Rodman is right. He is a businessman. So does any of that other stuff really matter? View Slideshow: 13 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President

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Dennis Rodman Throws Support Behind Donald Trump

On Meet the Press, Host Sets Up GOP Senator to Debate on Iraq with Anti-War NBC Reporter

On Sunday’s Meet the Press , NBC host David Gregory wrapped up his interview with Sen. Lindsey Graham by setting up a debate with anti-war NBC reporter Richard Engel, who wasn’t shy this week in asserting on NBC’s Today that the Iraq war was unnecessary, that Saddam Hussein was growing more moderate and respectable by the day, and was gaining acceptance in Europe. After Gregory played a clip of that — complete with Engel calling Iraq a “giant distraction of resources” from Afghanistan, just like a congressional Democrat — Senator Graham insisted that the NBC reporter was “completely rewriting history” and that Saddam “was not becoming a good citizen, he was becoming a more dangerous dictator. The world is better with him dead.” Even as this stage of the Iraq war, as the surge seems to quite clearly brought peace and calm, never-say-it’s-a-win die-hards in the liberal media are the first line of attack on the Republican position: DAVID GREGORY:  Senator, I want to conclude by asking you a question about Iraq and Afghanistan.  The president, of course, ended Operation Iraqi Freedom with an Oval Office address, addressing the nation on that point on the end of the war.  Our own chief foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, who covered the war throughout and has covered the war in Afghanistan as well, offered some analysis during an appearance with Ann Curry on the “Today” show about the legacy of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  I’d like you to listen and react to it. RICHARD ENGEL:  If there had been no invasion, Saddam would still be in power.  He was probably getting more moderate.  He was being welcomed into the–into–by, by a lot of European countries.  He was being welcomed into Eastern Europe in particular.  He as heading in a, in a direction of, of accommodation.  The, the sanctioned regime that was holding him in place was starting to fail.  So I think he would–it would be somewhat of a, a basket case, but it would still–it would be–Iran would be a lot more contained. So it would be a dictatorship that was trying to break out of its box, but Iran would not be as dangerous as it, as it is today. ANN CURRY:  And had the United States not invaded Iraq, would we be done in Afghanistan? RICHARD ENGEL:  Probably.  That was a giant distraction of resources, of intelligence assets.  That war would probably be over. GREGORY:  Senator, what do you say? SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM:  Completely rewriting history.  Our planes were being shot at in the no-fly zones, Saddam Hussein was violating every U.N. resolution to account for his weapons program, he was openly defying the international community when it came to controlling Iraq.  He was not becoming a good citizen, he was becoming a more dangerous dictator.  The world is better with him dead.  If we can get a government together soon in Iraq and it becomes stable and secure, we’ll have a democracy between Iran and Syria.  Iran’s biggest nightmare is to have a neighbor on their border who practices democracy.  So the 4,400 young men and women who’ve died have done this country a great service by securing Iraq and making… GREGORY:  Well, nobody’s disputing whether they’ve done the country a great service.  But even our current… GRAHAM:  We’re safer. GREGORY:  …defense secretary, who’s a Republican says, “Iraq will always be clouded by how it began.” Three-quarters of the American people think it was not worth the cost. GRAHAM:  Well, I can tell you, we will be safer by how it ends.  History will judge us, not by what we did wrong at the beginning, but what we got right at the end.  If we can get the government stable in–and, and President Obama, it is now his job to finish out Iraq.  If it finishes out well and it becomes secure and stable, allied with us on the war on terror–this is the place al-Qaeda was beat by fellow Muslims.  I can’t underestimate how important that was.  Al-Qaeda went into Iraq to topple our efforts to bring about stability and representative government, and they were, they were beaten by Muslims with our help.  That is a huge win in the war on terror.  So Afghanistan is a — we’re getting things better, we got a long ways to go, but I am glad we did what we did in Iraq.  America will be safer and history will record this as a big event in the Mideast where a dictatorship was replaced by a democracy in the heart of the Arab world. PS: I am not related to Senator Graham.

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On Meet the Press, Host Sets Up GOP Senator to Debate on Iraq with Anti-War NBC Reporter

Former Time Reporter Carlson: I Would Vote for Kagan ‘Twice’

During the July 2 edition of Bloomberg Television’s Political Capital, Bloomberg News columnist Margaret Carlson exalted Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Carlson stated she would vote for Kagan “twice” because “It has been so long since I saw someone in public life joyful about being there.” The gushing didn’t stop there for Carlson who continued to adorn Kagan for her impeccable “intellectual ability” and “temperament,” despite admitting that there was little substance known about Kagan. This however was not important to Carlson who then proceeded to fawn over Kagan’s joke that “brought the house down.” Carlson ended by blaming Republicans as one of the reasons Kagan wouldn’t receive an almost unanimous decision to the court, similar to Justice Scalia. However, National Review Editor Kate O’Bierne pointed out that the fundamental reason some Republicans were going to vote against Kagan was because of a “deep respect for the Constitution” and Kagan would, “fall into the liberal mistake of wanting laws to reach certain results and go there whether or not the Constitution permits it.”

Hawaii Plans Billion Dollar Undersea Cable to Bring Wind Power to Oahu

photo: tata_aka_T via flickr Being pretty much smack dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it’s no great secret that Hawaii is utterly dependent on imported energy . But it’s also looking to change that , hoping to develop 400 MW of wind farms on the islands of Molokai and Lanai. The trouble is getting the electricity from these islands to where the majority o… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Hawaii Plans Billion Dollar Undersea Cable to Bring Wind Power to Oahu

Forget About the Climate Bill. Here’s the "BP Spill Bill"

Photo via Reuters The Kerry-Lieberman clean energy and jobs bill was handicapped from the day it was introduced — co-drafter Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had inexplicably jumped ship , and expanded offshore drilling allowances were included in the bill, despite the ongoing BP oil… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Forget About the Climate Bill. Here’s the "BP Spill Bill"

The Soap Opera Continues As Graham Floats Utility Only Climate Bill

g photo via flickr It’s another day, which must mean there is a new development in the climate world’s most drama-packed storyline: just what will the Senate do or won’t do on its climate and energy bill? On Friday, the story’s most mercurial character, Sen. Lindsey Graham, added a new wrinkle, stripping the climate bill to just an electric utility industry tax. Graham thinks that by doing so a bill could muster the support of 60 Senators and that it would send the right market signals to prompt growth in nuclear power generation and renewable energy. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Soap Opera Continues As Graham Floats Utility Only Climate Bill