Tag Archives: gulf oil spill

Want to Drill for Oil in Greenland? That’ll be $2 Billion

Photo: christine zenino (chrissy575) Flickr, CC Now that the whole BP spill debacle is over and done with — since the oil’s all gone and every Gulf resident is again healthy , h… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Want to Drill for Oil in Greenland? That’ll be $2 Billion

New BP Spill Analysis Reveals that 185 Million Gallons of Oil have Leaked

Photo: BP BP Oil Spill Post-Mortem A team of U.S. scientists from Columbia University has just published a paper about a review of video footage from the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico last Spring and Summer. Using a technique called “optical plume velocimetry” and other analysis techniques, they were able to estimate how much oil escaped the Macondo well between April 20th and the moment the leak was plugged on July 15th (with final confirmation that the well was stable only on Sept… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See original here:
New BP Spill Analysis Reveals that 185 Million Gallons of Oil have Leaked

Thousands of Students to be Trained as Citizen Journalists in Gulf (Video)

Photo via CFL Interview with STREAM founders Philippe Cousteau and Casi Calloway As anyone who’s followed our commentary of the BP Gulf spill (and how could you miss it?) knows, one of the primary difficulties in telling the story of the disaster was simply getting access to it. Incidents aplenty where journalists were turned away, blocked off, even threatened with severe fines for attempting to cover the impacted areas. And now, the mainstream media is fast losing interest in the story altogether, and moving on. But the problems in t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Original post:
Thousands of Students to be Trained as Citizen Journalists in Gulf (Video)

Philippe Cousteau Explains State of BP Spill in 45 Seconds (Video)

Photo via EarthEcho International Philippe Cousteau, the renowned oceans advocate, has been doing some of the best reporting on the Gulf out there (some of it has been published here on TreeHugger ). I caught up to him at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative, where he’d just launched a student-citizen journalism program called STREAM — which he discussed further in an interview I’ll publish tomorrow. But with the news coming last week that leaking we… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Philippe Cousteau Explains State of BP Spill in 45 Seconds (Video)

‘Comfortable Contemporary’: Upcycled Furniture from Think Contemporary

Images: Think Contemporary Surely you’ve gotten the urge at least once — passing by an anonymous pile of discarded furniture pieces curbside, you feel a compulsion to rescue some forlorn credenza from landfill purgatory and to make it something ‘new’ and beautiful again. Dublin-based interior design company Think Contemporary seems to have heeded the call, launching a line of upcycled furniture that appears to have found its own unique voice…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read more from the original source:
‘Comfortable Contemporary’: Upcycled Furniture from Think Contemporary

Gulf Spill Reservoir Still Worth $3.5 Billion, Will Likely be Tapped Again

Image via USA Today Relief Wells May be Later Used for Drilling While we were all quietly celebrating the news that the Macondo well that spewed nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf was finally officially “dead” , there were nagging concerns that nevertheless refused to be silenced. For example, will US policy towards offshore drilling change in any meaningful way? Will the practice be safer? Or, more symbo… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Gulf Spill Reservoir Still Worth $3.5 Billion, Will Likely be Tapped Again

White House Accused of Withholding Key Info on BP Spill

There’s been a well-documented gray area surrounding the cooperative operations of BP and federal governmental agencies in the response to the Gulf spill. Questions were raised about press access, for instance, as the government seemed to be abetting BP in restricting media access to sensitive or potentially embarrassing spill-impacted sites. Later, there was the NOAA’s report that 75% of the oil had vanished — such fine news for B… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read the original post:
White House Accused of Withholding Key Info on BP Spill

Human Impacts on Deep Sea Floor Measured for First Time

Image via SkyTruth We know that bottom trawling — the practice of dragging a net across the sea floor to collect anything and everything in… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Human Impacts on Deep Sea Floor Measured for First Time

Are Pennsylvania’s Fracking Opponents Really Environmental Extremists? Police Think So

photo: Stevie Rocco via flickr Once again, law enforcement professionals seem to conflate activism and extremism: A new piece over at Pro Publica reveals that a confidential intelligence bulletin by the Pennsylvania Department of Homeland Security warns that “environmental extremists” are a threat to the energy sector and references opponents to

Are Pennsylvania’s Fracking Opponents Really Environmental Extremists? Police Think So

Thick Layer Of Oil Discovered on Gulf of Mexico Seafloor

Satellite photo taken May 24th, 2010, by NASA. Photo: NASA , CC. This Story is Far From Over! The bad news about the BP oil spill aren’t over. Researchers have taken soil samples from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and discovered that a lot of the oil that some thought had evaporated or dissipated has actually just settled on the sea floor. Samples taken by the science vessel Oceanus show that the oil can be found for dozens of miles in all directions around the busted well location…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Continued here:
Thick Layer Of Oil Discovered on Gulf of Mexico Seafloor