Tag Archives: climate bill

New Plan of Attack on Climate: Shame Big Polluters?

Photo: thewritingzone , Flickr, CC Yes, the climate bill is dead . No, we’re probably not going to see any meaningful legislation to address carbon pollution for years to come. But climate change is still occurring. Which means that if we’re going to head off the worst case scenarios, we’re going to have to find another route outside of Congress . So now that we’ve collectiv… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New Plan of Attack on Climate: Shame Big Polluters?

LCV Launches ‘Flat Earth TV’ Featuring Sarah Palin

image via flickr With the rise of Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell, it’s become clear that every Republican candidate for the “World’s Greatest Deliberating Body” is a global warming denier. The League of Conservation Voters is rightly concerned, and they’ve launched an online campaign to poke fun at the candidate and educate voters on the candidates’ positions. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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LCV Launches ‘Flat Earth TV’ Featuring Sarah Palin

Twenty-three Governors Call For a Renewable Energy Standard

photo via flickr A bunch of treehugging greenies sounded off today about the Senate passing a Renewable Energy Standard, which would mandate that a percentage of energy from utilities come from renewable sources. Wait, upon closer inspection, they are actually responsible governors from both parties and a diverse collection states. I guess it’s not just environmentalists who know that it’s sound policy to shift away from dirty energy toward clean sources, now is it?… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Twenty-three Governors Call For a Renewable Energy Standard

Tell the Senate to Stop Stalling on Clean Energy

It should be unthinkable that in the wake of the worst oil disaster in history, the Senate has not yet passed a bill that would hold BP accountable for the damage they have wreaked on Gulf communities and businesses.   And yet, here we are…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Tell the Senate to Stop Stalling on Clean Energy

And the Senate Climate Bill Gets Weaker Still . . .

As expected, the Kerry-Lieberman climate bill has grown weaker still, relinquishing an economy-wide cap on carbon emissions and instead targeting only the utility sector for greenhouse gas reductions starting in 2013. And that’s still apparently too controversial for this Senate, as the conventional wisdom says not even a utility-only bill can get enough votes to pass. So here’s what evidently remains of the mess that’s left on the table in terms of clean energy and climate legislation this year: … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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And the Senate Climate Bill Gets Weaker Still . . .

Clean Energy and Climate Bill Would Cut Deficit by $19 Billion: CBO

Photo via Wind Guys One of the persisting myths about comprehensive, carbon-pricing legislation is that it would cost the nation an arm and a leg to enact. This simply is not the case, as a recent bipartisan, independent analysis of the dying Kerry-Lieberman clean energy and climate bill reveals: The Congressional Budget Office found that passing the climate bill would trim the federal budget by $19 billion dollars over the next ten years. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Clean Energy and Climate Bill Would Cut Deficit by $19 Billion: CBO

CBO Says Climate Bill Will Cut Deficit, Emissions Set To Rise

photo via flickr There’s a lot of jostling right now in the Senate for lead position on energy reform. Just which Senator will catch the eye of President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid and get their bill picked is anyone’s guess. Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) received welcome news today when the Congressional Budget Office scored their bill and said that it would cut the deficit by $19 billion over the next decade. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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CBO Says Climate Bill Will Cut Deficit, Emissions Set To Rise

New York Times Editorial Page Says Use Spill To Pass Climate Bill, Defeat Attacks On The Clean Air Act

photo via flickr The New York Times editorial page is calling on the Senate and President Obama to use the BP oil spill to pass comprehensive climate and energy reform that would reduce our dependance on dirty fuels like oil and coal. Senate Majority leader seems to have a similar idea, signaling the other day that he intends to push the Senate climate bill, championed by Sens. Kerry and Lieberman, in the beginning of July. Obama too seems ready to for… Read the full story on TreeHugger

New York Times Editorial Page Says Use Spill To Pass Climate Bill, Defeat Attacks On The Clean Air Act

The Soap Opera Continues As Graham Floats Utility Only Climate Bill

g photo via flickr It’s another day, which must mean there is a new development in the climate world’s most drama-packed storyline: just what will the Senate do or won’t do on its climate and energy bill? On Friday, the story’s most mercurial character, Sen. Lindsey Graham, added a new wrinkle, stripping the climate bill to just an electric utility industry tax. Graham thinks that by doing so a bill could muster the support of 60 Senators and that it would send the right market signals to prompt growth in nuclear power generation and renewable energy. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Soap Opera Continues As Graham Floats Utility Only Climate Bill

Big Corporations Lobby President, Congress For Climate Legislation

photo via flickr A group of 60 companies, together with environmental groups, delivered a letter to President Obama and Sens. Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid yesterday calling for action on the Senate climate bill. No one knows the fate of the Kerry-Lieberman bill, introduced earlier this month, but big names like the Big Three automakers, Honeywell, and Google are saying the time for action is now. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Big Corporations Lobby President, Congress For Climate Legislation