Tag Archives: budget-office

Greg Gianforte, Candidate for Congress, Body-Slams Reporter

Greg Gianforte, a Republican running for an open congressional seat in Montana, has been charged with misdemeanor assault following a confrontation on Wednesday with a reporter for The Guardian. In the recording below, you can hear Ben Jacobs ask Gianforte about the Republican healthcare plan, which passed Congress a couple weeks ago and which will lead to 23 million American losing their insurance, according to a new non-partisan study. The bill will soon be voting on by the Senate and Jacobs wanted Gianforte to respond to the latest Congressional Budget Office analysis of the proposal. Agitated by the inquiry, Gianforte initially brushed it off and then appears to have turned violent once Jacobs continued to press for a response. “I’m sick and tired of you guys!” Gianforte can be heard saying in the following video, which includes sounds of a physical struggle and a crash. “The last time you came here you did the same thing,” Gianforte adds. “Get the hell out of here. Get the hell out of here.” “You just body-slammed me and broke my glasses,” Jacobs replies, asking for the names of the staffers present and stating he plans to call the police. A spokesperson for Gianforte does not dispute that an altercation took place. But claims the candidate was provoked. “After asking Jacobs to lower the recorder, Jacobs declined,” said Shane Scanlon, adding: “Greg then attempted to grab the phone that was pushed in his face. Jacobs grabbed Greg’s wrist and spun away from Greg, pushing them both to the ground.” Nowhere in the recording, however, does Gianforte request for any phone to be lowered. Moreover, members of a Fox News television crew witnessed the encounter and did not back up this account. In a statement on the Fox News website, one of the journalists described Gianforte as “punching the reporter” and, as Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, they said he started yelling something to the effect of, “I'm sick and tired of this!” To be clear , adds this Fox News statement, at no point did any of us who witnessed this assault see Jacobs show any form of physical aggression toward Gianforte, who left the area after giving statements to local sheriff's deputies. Local police said on Wednesday night it had completed its investigation and that Gianforte had been issued with a charge of misdemeanour assault. If convicted, Gianforte faces up to a $500 fine, or six months in jail, or both. Three newspapers, meanwhile, have withdrawn their endorsement of the candidate. Montana residents will vote on Thursday, May 25 to fill the U.S. House seat vacated in March by now-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. Listen to audio of this crazy incident below:

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Greg Gianforte, Candidate for Congress, Body-Slams Reporter

Welfare Queens: Food Stamp Use In NYC Doubled Over The Past Decade Under Mayor Bloomberg

Food stamp use has more than doubled among New York City residents since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took office in 2002. Food Stamp Use In NYC Doubled Under Mayor Bloomberg Via DailyCaller reports: Spending on food stamps increased more than 60 percent from 2002 to 2012 — from $1.28 billion to $3.44 billion, the Independent Budget Office of New York City revealed in data released Thursday. IBO spokesman Doug Turetsky attributed the expansion to a more aggressive outreach effort by Bloomberg than his predecessor Rudy Giuliani’s administration, the New York Post reported Friday. Known for his hardline stance against sugary beverages, Bloomberg did attempt to prevent food stamp recipients from using their benefits to purchase soda and sugary beverages in 2010 — with a proposal for a two-year pilot program to see if the restriction would help to alleviate obesity. The Agriculture Department rejected the proposal calling it “too large and complex” to oversee, the New York Times reported in 2011. New York City’s expansion has been less than the rest of the nation — which has seen the program’s cost double in President Obama’s first term and quadruple from 2001-2011. Participation reached a record high in December — the most recent data month available — with 47,791,996 people enrolled in the program. IBO’s report also revealed that the number of residents on public assistance has decreased and the number of disabled New Yorkers receiving Supplemental Security Income benefits has remained steady. Discuss…

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Welfare Queens: Food Stamp Use In NYC Doubled Over The Past Decade Under Mayor Bloomberg

Welfare Queens: Food Stamp Use In NYC Doubled Over The Past Decade Under Mayor Bloomberg

Food stamp use has more than doubled among New York City residents since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took office in 2002. Food Stamp Use In NYC Doubled Under Mayor Bloomberg Via DailyCaller reports: Spending on food stamps increased more than 60 percent from 2002 to 2012 — from $1.28 billion to $3.44 billion, the Independent Budget Office of New York City revealed in data released Thursday. IBO spokesman Doug Turetsky attributed the expansion to a more aggressive outreach effort by Bloomberg than his predecessor Rudy Giuliani’s administration, the New York Post reported Friday. Known for his hardline stance against sugary beverages, Bloomberg did attempt to prevent food stamp recipients from using their benefits to purchase soda and sugary beverages in 2010 — with a proposal for a two-year pilot program to see if the restriction would help to alleviate obesity. The Agriculture Department rejected the proposal calling it “too large and complex” to oversee, the New York Times reported in 2011. New York City’s expansion has been less than the rest of the nation — which has seen the program’s cost double in President Obama’s first term and quadruple from 2001-2011. Participation reached a record high in December — the most recent data month available — with 47,791,996 people enrolled in the program. IBO’s report also revealed that the number of residents on public assistance has decreased and the number of disabled New Yorkers receiving Supplemental Security Income benefits has remained steady. Discuss…

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Welfare Queens: Food Stamp Use In NYC Doubled Over The Past Decade Under Mayor Bloomberg

CBO Score Shows Boehner Plan Cuts the Deficit More than Reid’s Plan


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The Hill reports that the Congressional Budget Office has scored the Boehner debt ceiling plan as reducing the deficit more than Harry Reid’s plan — and that’s without resorting to gimmickry regarding assumptions about war spending: The debt-ceiling plan authored by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) cuts the deficit by more than the plan by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) if an assumption… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Weekly Standard Blog Discovery Date : 29/07/2011 21:45 Number of articles : 2

CBO Score Shows Boehner Plan Cuts the Deficit More than Reid’s Plan

Kristol Stumbles Onto The Truth: GOP Shouldn’t Focus On Corporate Taxes, ‘Corporations Have A Ton Of Cash’


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Both the House Republican budget and the GOP “jobs plan” released last week include a cut in the top corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent. Even though the Congressional Budget Office has found that cutting the corporate tax rate is not a particularly effective way to create jobs, the GOP has continually Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 05/06/2011 17:14 Number of articles : 2

Kristol Stumbles Onto The Truth: GOP Shouldn’t Focus On Corporate Taxes, ‘Corporations Have A Ton Of Cash’

How Come This Wasn’t In The Headlines At This Time Last Year?


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Here’s some testimony from the House Budget Committee today. The Democrats like to trot out Congressional Budget Office figures to support Obamacare; they never trotted this one out, for sure… Chairman [Paul] Ryan: “[I]t’s been argued…that the new health care law will create jobs and increase labor force participation. But if I recall from your Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Hayride Discovery Date : 10/02/2011 23:51 Number of articles : 2

How Come This Wasn’t In The Headlines At This Time Last Year?

Ditching Ethanol Subsidy Not Only Will Save US $6 Billion, But Won’t Hurt Domestic Production

photo: Kevin Dooley Two new pieces in NRDC ‘s Switchboard blog remind us that the debate over corn ethanol subsidies is alive and well; and illustrate, through two new reports, the benefits of ditching Federal support altogether. The first, from the Congressional Budget Office , details how much money eliminating the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit; the second, from

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Ditching Ethanol Subsidy Not Only Will Save US $6 Billion, But Won’t Hurt Domestic Production

CBO Says Climate Bill Will Cut Deficit, Emissions Set To Rise

photo via flickr There’s a lot of jostling right now in the Senate for lead position on energy reform. Just which Senator will catch the eye of President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid and get their bill picked is anyone’s guess. Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) received welcome news today when the Congressional Budget Office scored their bill and said that it would cut the deficit by $19 billion over the next decade. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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CBO Says Climate Bill Will Cut Deficit, Emissions Set To Rise

Fox News Says Healthcare Reform is the Beginning of Armageddon [Doom]

Healthcare reform will pass. It’s not perfect, but it is better than nothing and almost universally a good thing. Unless you’re Fox News , in which case it’s the end of the world. We’re watching their apocalyptic coverage, mystified. Fox has been peddling false information and bad journalism throughout the debate. They’ve been deliberately misinforming their viewers by featuring, and skewing towards, poorly-researched and ideologically motivated Republican talking points. Today’s coverage hit all the buttons — the emphasizing of protests, sad, resigned GOP-ers talking about rationed healthcare, the use of quotation marks in captions (it’s a healthcare “fix” according to Fox ), and the posing of ridiculously provocative questions “what is the TRUE cost of this bill — we report, you decide.” Even the New York Post — owned, like Fox , by Rupert Murdoch — is condemning them . Which is maybe the lowest moral high ground to be looked down at from. We’ll be updating this as and when the crazy happens. Here’s a lady comparing the Congressional Budget Office report on how much the bill will cost to… Enron and Madoff.

Fox News Says Healthcare Reform is the Beginning of Armageddon [Doom]

Reid to unveil final version of Senate health Bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will make his final offer on healthcare legislation on Saturday morning, unveiling a highly-anticipated amendment to the Senate healthcare bill. Reid will unveil his amendment with a cost analysis from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shortly after the Senate votes at around 7:30 Saturday morning to clear a Defense spending bill. “That’s the plan, soon after that vote because we want to file cloture on that quickly,” said Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.).

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Reid to unveil final version of Senate health Bill