Tag Archives: house-budget

Paul Ryan to Run For Vice President With Mitt Romney; GOP Ticket to Campaign Saturday

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced today that House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan is his pick for Vice President. The Wisconsin Congressman will be introduced as the V.P. nominee as “The Romney Plan For A Stronger Middle Class” bus tour kicks off in Virginia. Romney is expected to speak at 8:45 a.m. in Norfolk, Va., with a retired military battleship as a backdrop … fittingly the U.S.S. Wisconsin. Two others high on Romney’s short list of VP contenders – former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio – were informed in recent days that they would not be on the ticket. Instead it will be Paul Ryan, 42, already considered a rising star in the Republican Party, is currently the chairman of the U.S. House Budget Committee. He’s been in Congress since 1999 and is best known this session for his controversial budget plan this term that includes an overhaul of Medicare. Democrats have persistently claimed his plan would “end Medicare as we know it,” but the GOP considers Ryan a leading voice on fiscal issues. Both well-versed and telegenic, Ryan has stood by his plan as a solution to an ever-growing deficit and out-of-control entitlement spending. Ryan has made fiscal discipline the touchstone of his tenure; with Ryan at his side, Romney is doubling down on his perceived economic strengths. The choice promises a fierce debate over the size and role of government in America, and Democrats are relishing the chance to take on that fight. Paul Ryan: Good choice by Romney?

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Paul Ryan to Run For Vice President With Mitt Romney; GOP Ticket to Campaign Saturday

Paul Ryan Is Still Not Running for President. Watch His YouTube Video Anyway.


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Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) on tax reform + snazzy animated infographics = excellent Wednesday morning video viewing: Ryan is not running for president , in case you were wondering. This video is the third, and best, in what seems to be a very occasional “Path to Prosperity” series from the House Budget Committee, which Ryan chairs. Stay tuned for Episode IV: A New Hope. In the meantime, read Reason ‘s… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Reason Magazine – Hit & Run Discovery Date : 14/09/2011 15:02 Number of articles : 2

Paul Ryan Is Still Not Running for President. Watch His YouTube Video Anyway.

From Billions to Trillions


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House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) delivers the weekly Republican address to discuss his 2012 budget — ” The Path to Prosperity ” — a bold, serious effort to “move the debate in Washington from billions of spending cuts, to trillions.” “…more than just a budget, it is a commitment.” The facts are these: Washington has not been telling you the truth about the magnitude of the problems… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Corner Discovery Date : 09/04/2011 18:58 Number of articles : 2

From Billions to Trillions

From Billions to Trillions


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House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) delivers the weekly Republican address to discuss his 2012 budget — ” The Path to Prosperity ” — a bold, serious effort to “move the debate in Washington from billions of spending cuts, to trillions.” “…more than just a budget, it is a commitment.” The facts are these: Washington has not been telling you the truth about the magnitude of the problems… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Corner Discovery Date : 09/04/2011 18:58 Number of articles : 2

From Billions to Trillions

CBO Chief Says Economy Falls Apart in 2037


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According to CNS News: “House Budget Chairman Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said President Barack Obama’s budget strategy is to “do nothing, punt, duck, kick the can down the road” while the debt remains on track to eventually hit 800 percent of GDP. Ryan added that the CBO is saying it “can’t conceive of any way” that the economy can continue past 2037 given its current trajectory.” . Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : P/Oed Patriot Discovery Date : 06/04/2011 18:47 Number of articles : 3

CBO Chief Says Economy Falls Apart in 2037

Lights Out: Would Tom Six’s innocence-mutilating…


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Lights Out: Would Tom Six’s innocence-mutilating masterpiece The Human Centipede be more palatable as a musical? Emerson students investigate. See Also: Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 . [ thanks anon! ] Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 05/04/2011 06:57 Number of articles : 2

Lights Out: Would Tom Six’s innocence-mutilating…

A Choice of Two Futures


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Author: Andrew Stiles Budget 101 is in session. House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) breaks it down in this must-watch video that coincides with the release of his 2012 budget proposal: ” The Path to Prosperity .” “We. Will. Cut. Spending.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Corner Discovery Date : 05/04/2011 13:21 Number of articles : 2

A Choice of Two Futures

A Choice of Two Futures


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Author: Andrew Stiles Budget 101 is in session. House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) breaks it down in this must-watch video that coincides with the release of his 2012 budget proposal: ” The Path to Prosperity .” “We. Will. Cut. Spending.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Corner Discovery Date : 05/04/2011 13:21 Number of articles : 2

A Choice of Two Futures

How Come This Wasn’t In The Headlines At This Time Last Year?


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Here’s some testimony from the House Budget Committee today. The Democrats like to trot out Congressional Budget Office figures to support Obamacare; they never trotted this one out, for sure… Chairman [Paul] Ryan: “[I]t’s been argued…that the new health care law will create jobs and increase labor force participation. But if I recall from your Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Hayride Discovery Date : 10/02/2011 23:51 Number of articles : 2

How Come This Wasn’t In The Headlines At This Time Last Year?