A 13-year old protege. A country singer sensation. A harmony-filled group of females. Three very different acts vied for The X Factor Season 2 crown tonight, with only one, of course, voted as the winner of the grandest prize in reality television. So… who is $5 million richer? TATE STEVENS! The cowboy who led throughout most of the season in fan voting took it all home in the end. Was this the right choice? Vote now: Yes, he was my favorite! No way, Carly Rose rules! Fifth Harmony forever! View Poll »
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced today that House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan is his pick for Vice President. The Wisconsin Congressman will be introduced as the V.P. nominee as “The Romney Plan For A Stronger Middle Class” bus tour kicks off in Virginia. Romney is expected to speak at 8:45 a.m. in Norfolk, Va., with a retired military battleship as a backdrop … fittingly the U.S.S. Wisconsin. Two others high on Romney’s short list of VP contenders – former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio – were informed in recent days that they would not be on the ticket. Instead it will be Paul Ryan, 42, already considered a rising star in the Republican Party, is currently the chairman of the U.S. House Budget Committee. He’s been in Congress since 1999 and is best known this session for his controversial budget plan this term that includes an overhaul of Medicare. Democrats have persistently claimed his plan would “end Medicare as we know it,” but the GOP considers Ryan a leading voice on fiscal issues. Both well-versed and telegenic, Ryan has stood by his plan as a solution to an ever-growing deficit and out-of-control entitlement spending. Ryan has made fiscal discipline the touchstone of his tenure; with Ryan at his side, Romney is doubling down on his perceived economic strengths. The choice promises a fierce debate over the size and role of government in America, and Democrats are relishing the chance to take on that fight. Paul Ryan: Good choice by Romney?
The X Factor find not have a Season 2 host. But it now has a Season 2 poster. With a pink background and the incredibly witty use of the letter X, the Fox competition has unveiled the following promotional shot of L.A. Reid, Simon Cowell, Britney Spears and Demi Lovato : These four comprise the judging table, of course, but producers are still on the lookout for one male and one female judge. Khloe Kardashian has made it clear she’s interested in the gig, while Kevin McHale of Glee has become a popular choice on the boys’ side. All we know is that the series better make a selection soon: Season 2 kicks off on September 12. Are you excited for The X Factor? Will you be tuning in?
Season two of The X Factor is just over a month away, and Simon Cowell’s revamped competition is missing one key element: a host. The show has struggled to find a replacement for Steve Jones, who was dumped following a lackluster opening season. With producers reportedly seeking a male and a female to take the Brit’s place, Khloe Kardashian has moved toward the top of the list for the latter position. And now multiple sources confirm that Glee star Kevin McHale is also under consideration for the gig.
Fox has one question for viewers: Are you ready? During last night’s American Idol finale , the network aired its first promo for season two of The X Factor . It included, of course, shots of the show’s two new judges: Britney Spears and Demi Lovato. It also featured a cackling Simon Cowell asking folks, what the heck was I thinking? We have no idea, as neither Britney nor Demi seem like ideal choices for a live competition that involves banter, quick wit and the ability to actually critique others. But, hey, we’ll be happy to be proven wrong. Watch the trailer now: X Factor Season 2 Promo