Tag Archives: the-persisting

Earth First! Maine Anti-Wind Power Protest Keeps Green Movement Honest

When Earth First! recently protested a large scale wind farm in northern Maine it raised a few eyebrows around the TreeHugger virtual office. John Laumer worryingly wondered if “the protesters and their supporters thought seriously about climate change before they embarked on the protest. The lynx there are anxious to protect from wind power development need more than wilderness; they need a climate suitable for the eco… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Earth First! Maine Anti-Wind Power Protest Keeps Green Movement Honest

Clean Energy and Climate Bill Would Cut Deficit by $19 Billion: CBO

Photo via Wind Guys One of the persisting myths about comprehensive, carbon-pricing legislation is that it would cost the nation an arm and a leg to enact. This simply is not the case, as a recent bipartisan, independent analysis of the dying Kerry-Lieberman clean energy and climate bill reveals: The Congressional Budget Office found that passing the climate bill would trim the federal budget by $19 billion dollars over the next ten years. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Clean Energy and Climate Bill Would Cut Deficit by $19 Billion: CBO