Tag Archives: power-protest

Earth First! Maine Anti-Wind Power Protest Keeps Green Movement Honest

When Earth First! recently protested a large scale wind farm in northern Maine it raised a few eyebrows around the TreeHugger virtual office. John Laumer worryingly wondered if “the protesters and their supporters thought seriously about climate change before they embarked on the protest. The lynx there are anxious to protect from wind power development need more than wilderness; they need a climate suitable for the eco… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Earth First! Maine Anti-Wind Power Protest Keeps Green Movement Honest

Earth First! Activists Arrested Protesting Maine Wind Farm – ‘It’s Too Big’

New turbines on Maine’s Kibby Mountain. Image credit: Wikipedia. Kennebec Maine Journal covered a recent anti-wind power protest, which involved several arrests and someone chaining herself by the neck “to a truck carrying a turbine blade.”. A sort of a Green Tea Party, it sounds like. Go EF! Between this and Joe Barton apologizing to BP for the Obama Administration making BP pu… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Earth First! Activists Arrested Protesting Maine Wind Farm – ‘It’s Too Big’