Lindsay Lohan is still out in the world taking photos of herself. But unlike past Lohan Photoshop fails and the desperate, semi-nude underwear and champagne selfies , Lindsay’s latest appears to be un-retouched, and she actually looks like someone who will reach the age of 30. In fact, she looks like what she’s always wanted to be – a legitimate, Oscar-nominated actress with an actual career in Hollywood! Yes, Lindsay is looking like Emma Stone these days. We’re not saying she did it on purpose (although it wouldn’t be the worst styling move), but maybe Lindsay’s desire to get back to actual acting (in movies, not on Burger King commercials ) is beginning to manifest itself in her selfies. Hey, if she wants to go all Single White Female on someone’s career, Lindsay could do a lot worse than Emma. In fact, Linds, if you really want to go the full nine, we hear Andrew Garfield is available these days. Just kidding. Don’t not attempt to date Andrew Garfield or appropriate Emma Stone’s life in any other way. Just stick with whatever you’re doing that makes you not look like a red-eyed crack demon, and call it a day. It’s all about the baby steps. View Slideshow: 29 Wackest Photos of Lindsay Lohan
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Lindsay Lohan Looks Like Emma Stone, Actually Appears Healthy in Latest Selfie