Tag Archives: danny-patton

Halp! K. Michelle Damn Near Drowned From Paris Throwing A Drink At Her “New Nose” And Twitter Lost It

VH1 K Michelle Vs. Paris This was the moment we were all waiting for since they teased it last week: K. Michelle squaring off with Paris over *checks notes* a few dozen stolen dollars? Wait, what? That’s right, they’re fighting over a few bucks that Paris has admitted to stealing but won’t apologize for. Yet she doesn’t like being called a thief. So when the two sat face-to-face at a diner all hell broke loose. Paris tossed a fruity cocktail right at K. Michelle’s mug and the singer looked like she was drowning! K Michelle look like she just drowned #LHHH pic.twitter.com/nJqVFaNJwB — Danny Patton (@BladeBrown79) October 9, 2018 Plus, she let the world know that she had a new nose. This is one of the most hilarious moments in reality TV history and we are here for it. Take a look at the comedy…

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Halp! K. Michelle Damn Near Drowned From Paris Throwing A Drink At Her “New Nose” And Twitter Lost It