Tag Archives: david-gilmour

Miley Cyrus High as a Kite, Smoking a Bong (It’s Saliva) HD VIDEO

Watch out world, Miley Cyrus is 18 and she still partying it up. This time the party includes a bong. Yep. Miley hits a bong and then gets the giggles soooo bad. It’s hilarious. The video below was shot at her house in L.A. five days after her 18th birthday. http://hollywoodhiccups.com/2010/12/10/miley-cyrus-high-as-a-kite-smoking-a-bong… added by: HollywoodHiccups

Pink Floyd’s son says "sorry" for swinging on Cenotaph flag

The son of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour apologised