Tag Archives: deep-marketing

Demi Lovato Too Fat For Shape August 2012 of the Day

Demi Lovato is fat, so I don’t know what the fuck she is doing on the cover of Shape magazine, unless of course Shape magazine is catering to the needs of America like an Airline company and movie theater widening their seats, you know putting bitches who aren’t in shape, but who are round and doughy in shape, because they pretend to be bipolar and bipolar bitches can eat whatever the fuck they want, cuz they have a valid fucking excuse, or some shit….or maybe the people considered in Shape in America are just fat chicks, but I’m thinking they figure it’ll see some fucking issues, even if they have to airbrush some abs on her slob ass stomach….and for those of you who don’t know what an Ass Stomach is, it’s a stomach so fat you can fuck it… Here are the pics…

Demi Lovato Too Fat For Shape August 2012 of the Day

Lady Gaga Naked in Perfume Ad of the Day

Lady Gaga released a perfume that I assume is gay friendly because she’s gay friendly, like the fucking Mr Rogers of faggots, you know all generic, obviously marketed aggressively to them, clearly a product of deep marketing research, knowing that when you are a gay teen you need some loud icon to attach yourself to, and that when you do all your fat girlfriends who wish you weren’t gay attach themselves to it, making her concert a who’s who of who? All those weird kids from the drama club? Who wants to participate in that shit…..well the answer is a perfume company, who continue her shitty antics in the merchandising of this shit….reminding us all that she’s the fucking devil, but more importantly that the only time she should be naked is when taking a fucking shower behind closed doors…She is the worst….

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Lady Gaga Naked in Perfume Ad of the Day