Tag Archives: denna thomsen

Sandra McCoy Makes Her Nude Debut on SKINemax’s Femme Fatales [PICS]

Don’t know Sandra McCoy ? Sure you do. This tight-bodied former Laker Girl first bust-ed onto the scene with a featured role as the “Dirty Pop Girl” in the N*Sync video “Pop”. Her career seemed to be off to a SKINful start, but Sandra quickly deflated Mr. Skin’s nude hopes by hiring a body double to provide stunt sacks for Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough (2005) and stopping at her skivvies as she stripped down for the 2005 horror-thriller Cry_Wolf . So it was not without a bit of skepticism we approached Sandra’s supposed nude debut on the Skinemax softcore series Femme Fatales . But now that Mr. Skin’s team of nudity experts has reviewed the evidence, we can say that those are definitely Sandra’s suck sacks in two of the three scenes on this week’s show. The other? Well, that’s some classic body double muff…er, stuff. Why so (Mc)Coy, Sandra? See more stills of Sandra McCoy’ s nude debut on Femme Fatales after the jump!

Originally posted here:
Sandra McCoy Makes Her Nude Debut on SKINemax’s Femme Fatales [PICS]

Sandra McCoy Makes Her Nude Debut on SKINemax’s Femme Fatales [PICS]

Don’t know Sandra McCoy ? Sure you do. This tight-bodied former Laker Girl first bust-ed onto the scene with a featured role as the “Dirty Pop Girl” in the N*Sync video “Pop”. Her career seemed to be off to a SKINful start, but Sandra quickly deflated Mr. Skin’s nude hopes by hiring a body double to provide stunt sacks for Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough (2005) and stopping at her skivvies as she stripped down for the 2005 horror-thriller Cry_Wolf . So it was not without a bit of skepticism we approached Sandra’s supposed nude debut on the Skinemax softcore series Femme Fatales . But now that Mr. Skin’s team of nudity experts has reviewed the evidence, we can say that those are definitely Sandra’s suck sacks in two of the three scenes on this week’s show. The other? Well, that’s some classic body double muff…er, stuff. Why so (Mc)Coy, Sandra? See more stills of Sandra McCoy’ s nude debut on Femme Fatales after the jump!

Originally posted here:
Sandra McCoy Makes Her Nude Debut on SKINemax’s Femme Fatales [PICS]

Look, It’s Another Nude Celebrity Interpretive Dance [VIDEO]

***WARNING THIS VIDEO CONTAINS MALE NUDITY AS WELL AS FEMALE WARNING*** When Skin Central was in college Skin Central was friends with a lot of art majors. Hot art majors with daddy issues and a desire for attention that led to an ill-defined sense of personal boundaries. And in order to take advantage of those daddy issues, we first had to indulge these free-spirited snowflakes in their interpretive dances or installation pieces or experimental film shoots or whatever. So we’ve seen a lot of this type of thing. Now, THAT BEING SAID, this is one of the most egregious examples of art-school fuckery we’ve ever seen. In short: Transformers star Shia LeBeouf interpretive dances his heart out in ladies’ underwear in between licking electric lollipops and punching stuff in a video for the Icelandic art-rock band Sigur Ros . It makes that Erykah Badu video from a couple weeks ago look positively lucid. Boobs from relatively unknown (but certifiably hot) actress Denna Thomsen at the 0:35, 0:43, 1:01, 1:08, 1:43, 4:55, and 6:35 marks, if you’re interested.

Read the rest here:
Look, It’s Another Nude Celebrity Interpretive Dance [VIDEO]