Tag Archives: deny-the-truth

Jeremy Calvert: Leah Messer Cheated With a LOT of Guys!

Last week, Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert finalized their divorce  after a long and messy separation. Considering the fact that Leah recently checked into rehab recently and is now facing a potentially ugly custody battle with Corey Simms , many fans breathed a sigh of relief when she legally ended her second marriage and hoped that the troubled Teen Mom might be on her way to finally finding some peace. Friends and family say Leah is like a different person post rehab. She’s an attentive mom; she’s ambitious about her career; and she’s even in a new relationship . Unfortunately, Leah’s life is like an episode of Game of Thrones: When everything is going smoothly, you know there’s something terrible just around the corner. For months, Leah’s friends and family have claimed that Calvert cheated on her with various women he met online. Now, the 25-year-old pipeline engineer is reportedly sick of being portrayed as the “bad guy” in their marriage, and he wants the whole world to know that Leah cheated too. “Yes, Jeremy hooked up with other girls, but that was after he split from Leah,” an anonymous insider tells Radar Online. “Leah didn’t just hook up with one guy, there were tons!” The source claims Calvert has “proof” of Leah’s infidelity, and he plans to expose her during the next Teen Mom 2 reunion special. “She won’t be able to deny the truth in front of everyone,” the insider says. “She won’t get away with her lies for long.” Yes, there’s nothing like blindsiding the mother of your children on national TV, especially when she’s fresh from being treated for being treated for emotional trauma. Jeremy Calvert: Great dad, or the greatest dad? View Slideshow: Leah Messer Photos: Through the Years

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Jeremy Calvert: Leah Messer Cheated With a LOT of Guys!

Study shows Christian fundamentalists more likely to commit domestic abuse

A recent study released by two Texas Tech professors found the more fundamental the Christian beliefs of college students are, the more likely those students are to commit domestic abuse. A survey distributed to more than 600 undergraduate students shows that the more fundamental the Christian beliefs college students adopt, the more likely they are to approve of or become violent in their intimate relationships. The study measured fundamental Christian values using a survey created by a Christian group. The study defined Christian fundamentalism as a system of beliefs and practices rooted in a literal interpretation of the Bible, being born-again, and the belief that following strict behavior through a Christian fellowship leads to eternal life. http://ww.examiner.com/x-10853-Portland-Humanist-Examiner~y2010m7d19-Study-shows… added by: unimatrix0

EMT accused of ignoring dying NYC woman is killed

NEW YORK (AP) — Jason Green had already gained notoriety last year as a New York City paramedic accused of walking away from an ailing pregnant woman who later died. He regained the spotlight again Monday because of his violent death – gunned down on the streets of Manhattan after a fight outside a nightclub. New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne said Monday that there was no evidence that the brutal slaying early Sunday in the SoHo neighborhood was payback for the death of the pregnant woman. He denied reports that investigators wanted to question her brother. “There's no interest in any of her family members,” he said. Police, who were still seeking the shooter, were reviewing security videotape of the scene outside the club, Browne said. Green's attorney, Douglas Rosenthal, said Monday he was “shocked” by the news of the shooting. His 32-year-old client “was a good guy and a dedicated emergency medical technician,” he said. “It's very sad.” The lawyer had defended Green and a co-worker, Melisa Jackson, against allegations stemming from a conflict Dec. 9, 2009, at an Au Bon Pain coffee shop in Brooklyn. Green and Jackson were on a break while working as dispatchers that morning when it was alleged employees in the shop told them a pregnant cashier, Eutisha Rennix, was having a seizure. Witnesses claimed the pair left without doing anything to help. The 25-year-old woman, who was six months pregnant, later died at a hospital. Her baby was delivered but died two days later. The Fire Department suspended Green and Jackson for 30 days without pay before reinstating them. The Brooklyn district attorney's office said Monday that it was still investigating Rennix's death. No charges have been filed. In an interview this year with The New York Times, Green and Jackson said that Rennix's co-workers never made clear there was an emergency, and that Jackson called a dispatcher for help before they went back to work. Accusations that the pair callously ignored someone in distress are “all bogus and lies and fabrications,” Green said. Police said Sunday's shooting occurred after a friend of Green's was turned away from the Greenhouse nightclub because he was wearing shorts. While Green, the friend and two women were talking outside, a car with three men inside pulled up and tried to park where they were standing. An ensuing argument escalated into a fistfight between Green and one of the men that spilled out onto the street, police said. The man pulled out a gun and shot Green two times before the men fled in the car. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_EMTS_PREGNANT_WOMAN?SITE=AP&SECTIO… video: http://video.ap.org/?f=AP&pid=jEja1keMtTiW_bzY7WrdYnLDrBxhdl_R added by: onemalefla

Sarah Palin Calls On ‘Peaceful Muslims’ To ‘Refudiate’ Ground Zero Mosque

Sarah Palin, never a stranger to controversy, decided to weigh in on the one raging over the plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero — that is, a mosque and community center two blocks north of where the Twin Towers used to stand. In the midst of it, she managed to insult Muslims, those who aren't but still support the mosque and lay a George W. Bush-level malapropism on the masses. She's a multitasker. Her Tweet, issued at 1:52 pm ET on Sunday (and pictured to the left) read: Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate Obviously, her Tweet connotes that Muslims who are not peaceful are the ones who are supporting the mosque — despite all evidence to the contrary — but it equally egregiously mashes together the words “refute” and “repudiate” to create out of whole cloth the word “refudiate.” Refute, of course, means “to deny the truth or accuracy of” while repudiate means “to reject with disapproval or condemnation.” Presumably, what Palin meant to do was to call upon “peaceful” Muslims” to repudiate the construction of a mosque anywhere near Ground Zero. added by: TimALoftis