Tag Archives: happen-every

Happy Mother’s Day: 15 Celebrity Moms We Love!

Ah, moms. Givers of life. Wipers of noses. Kissers of boo-boos. Today is your day. Happy Mother’s Day! It’s your day to be pampered and praised with flowers, breakfast in bed, and most importantly … NO CLEANING ! Okay, so for  some moms, that sort of thing might happen every day. Like the celebrity moms who have live-in nannies and chefs and housekeepers and stylists on call and personal assistants to keep all those appointments straight.  But having all that help doesn’t make them any less of a mom than the moms who  don’t  have those things, so today we celebrate them, too. From Beyonce to Gisele, here are 15 celebrity moms we love! 15 Celebrity Moms We Love 1. Beyonce Beyonce is a doting mother to daughter Blue Ivy Carter. Adding the motherhood hat to her arsenal has been great for Queen Bey. And on the flip side of the Mother’s Day coin … here are some celebrity moms who might want to read a parenting manual. Just saying … 11 Terrible, Horrible No Good Very Bad Celebrity Mothers 1. Kate Gosselin Kate Gosselin has eight children. And we feel sorry for each and every one of them.

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Happy Mother’s Day: 15 Celebrity Moms We Love!

Sarah Palin Calls On ‘Peaceful Muslims’ To ‘Refudiate’ Ground Zero Mosque

Sarah Palin, never a stranger to controversy, decided to weigh in on the one raging over the plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero — that is, a mosque and community center two blocks north of where the Twin Towers used to stand. In the midst of it, she managed to insult Muslims, those who aren't but still support the mosque and lay a George W. Bush-level malapropism on the masses. She's a multitasker. Her Tweet, issued at 1:52 pm ET on Sunday (and pictured to the left) read: Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate Obviously, her Tweet connotes that Muslims who are not peaceful are the ones who are supporting the mosque — despite all evidence to the contrary — but it equally egregiously mashes together the words “refute” and “repudiate” to create out of whole cloth the word “refudiate.” Refute, of course, means “to deny the truth or accuracy of” while repudiate means “to reject with disapproval or condemnation.” Presumably, what Palin meant to do was to call upon “peaceful” Muslims” to repudiate the construction of a mosque anywhere near Ground Zero. added by: TimALoftis

Pimp My Hearse

Pimp My Hearse

Helen Mirren’s<br>Guilty Pleasure

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Helen Mirren’s<br>Guilty Pleasure


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Rebels in the Pipeline

Wednesday, 7pm ET Mariana van Zeller travels to the Niger Delta to see the devastation of the BP-sized spills that happen every year in the region.

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Rebels in the Pipeline

Yes, There Really Is a Boy Floating Away in a Balloon

It’s happening in Colorado right now . A boy climbed into an experimental hot air balloon that his parents were building, untied the rope, and took off. No one knows how to get him down.

Go here to read the rest:
Yes, There Really Is a Boy Floating Away in a Balloon